A comparison of expected 10k cohort thrombolysis rates across hospitals: subgroup analysis#

Plain English summary#

We can predict the use of thrombolysis across hospitals if all hospital saw the same 10 thousand patients.

We can also look at subgroups of those patients, representing, for example, an ‘ideal’ thrombolysis candidates, or some ‘sub-optimal’ candidates.

Informed by the SHAP values, we defined subgroups of patients: one ‘ideally’ thrombolysable patient, nine ‘sub-optimal’ thrombolysable patient subgroups (one subgroup per feature), and subgroups with combinations of sub-optimal features. We based the ideally thrombolysable definition on observing the relationships between feature values and thrombolysis use, and for each ‘sub optimal’ subgroup we chose the feature value that is less desirable for choosing to use thrombolysis (this is either a feature value that corresponds with a SHAP value of zero, or the least favourable value for binary features).

The patient subgroups are defined as:

  • An ideal thrombolysable patient:

    • Stroke severity NIHSS in range 10-25

    • Arrival-to-scan time < 30 minutes

    • Stroke type = infarction

    • Precise onset time = True

    • Prior diability level (mRS) = 0

    • No use of AF anticoagulants

    • Onset-to-arrival time < 90 minutes

    • Age < 80 years

    • Onset during sleep = False

  • Mild stroke severity (NIHSS < 5)

  • No precise onset time

  • Existing pre-stroke disability (mRS > 2)

  • Older than 80 years old

  • A haemorrhagic stroke

  • Arrival-to-scan time 60-90 minutes

  • Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 minutes

  • Use of AF anticoagulants

  • Onset during sleep

We analysed the observed and predicted use of thrombolysis in each of these subgroups of patients.

All stroke units show high expected thrombolysis in a set of ‘ideal’ thrombolysis patients, but vary in expected use in subgroups with low stroke severity, no precise onset time, or existing pre-stroke disability. If a stroke unit showed lower thombolysis in one of these subgroups they also tended to show lower thrombolysis rates in the other subgroups - suggesting a shared caution in use of thrombolysis in ‘less ideal’ patients.

Model and data#

Using the XGBoost model that is trained on all but a 10k patient cohort (from notebook 04) to predict which patient will recieve thrombolysis. The XGBoost model is fitted to all but 10k instances, and uses 10 features:

  • Arrival-to-scan time: Time from arrival at hospital to scan (mins)

  • Infarction: Stroke type (1 = infarction, 0 = haemorrhage)

  • Stroke severity: Stroke severity (NIHSS) on arrival

  • Precise onset time: Onset time type (1 = precise, 0 = best estimate)

  • Prior disability level: Disability level (modified Rankin Scale) before stroke

  • Stroke team: Stroke team attended

  • Use of AF anticoagulents: Use of atrial fibrillation anticoagulant (1 = Yes, 0 = No)

  • Onset-to-arrival time: Time from onset of stroke to arrival at hospital (mins)

  • Onset during sleep: Did stroke occur in sleep?

  • Age: Age (as middle of 5 year age bands)

And one target feature:

  • Thrombolysis: Recieve thrombolysis (1 = Yes, 0 = No)

The 10 features included in the model (to predict whether a patient will recieve thrombolysis) were chosen sequentially as having the single best improvement in model performance (using the ROC AUC). The stroke team feature is included as a one-hot encoded feature.

The 10k patient cohort is used here to send a common set of patients to each hospital in turn to obtain a thrombolysis rate that is comparable across hospitals which has any patient factors removed.


  • Use the XGBoost model trained on all data except for a 10k set of patients to predict use of thrombolysis in the heldback 10k cohort of patients, at each of the 132 hospitals (by changing hospital one-hot coding).

  • Predict use of thrombolysis in subgroups of patients, defined by:

    • An ideal thrombolysable patient:

      • Stroke severity NIHSS in range 10-25

      • Arrival-to-scan time < 30 minutes

      • Stroke type = infarction

      • Precise onset time = True

      • Prior diability level (mRS) = 0

      • No use of AF anticoagulants

      • Onset-to-arrival time < 90 minutes

      • Age < 80 years

      • Onset during sleep = False

    • Mild stroke severity (NIHSS < 5)

    • No precise onset time

    • Existing pre-stroke disability (mRS > 2)

    • Older than 80 years old

    • A haemorrhagic stroke

    • Arrival-to-scan time 60-90 minutes

    • Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 minutes

    • Use of AF anticoagulants

    • Onset during sleep


  • The 10k cohort may be grouped to show thrombolysis in particular groups

  • Those hospitals with lower thrombolysis use, compared with their total thrombolysis use, in the subsets of patients (NIHSS < 5, mRS >2, no precise onset time) tend to have signficantly lower overall thrombolysis use in the full 10k patients.

  • When testing the ‘ideal’ thrombolysable patients, 95% of hospitals would be expected to give thrombolysis to at least 99% of patients.

  • The range of thrombolysis use across hospitals in the other subgroups was as follows:

    • All 10k patients: minimum = 10%, median = 28%, maxiumum = 45%

    • NIHSS <5: minimum = 0%, median = 6%, maxiumum = 25%

    • No precise onset time: minimum = 0%, median = 7%, maxiumum = 20%

    • Prestroke mRS >2: minimum = 0%, median = 11%, maxiumum = 38%

    • Age > 80: minimum = 6%, median = 22%, maxiumum = 44%

    • Arrival-to-scan 60-90mins: minimum = 0%, median = 6%, maxiumum = 21%

    • Haemorrhagic: minimum = 0%, median = 0%, maxiumum = 0%

    • Used AF anticoagulants: minimum = 0%, median = 2%, maxiumum = 24%

    • Onset-to-arrival time 150-180mins: minimum = 3%, median = 19%, maxiumum = 37%

    • Onset during sleep: minimum = 0%, median = 0%, maxiumum = 13%

    • NIHSS + Precise: minimum = 0%, median = 0%, maxiumum = 6%

    • NIHSS + Disability: minimum = 0%, median = 0%, maxiumum = 13%

    • Precise + Disability: minimum = 0%, median = 1%, maxiumum = 16%

    • NIHSS + Precise + Disability: minimum = 0%, median = 0%, maxiumum = 3%

  • The three subgroups of NIHSS <5, no precise stroke onset time, and prestroke mRS > 2, showed quite high pairwise correlations (r-squared 0.45 to 0.62). The three subgorups also showed quite strong correlation with the expected thrombolysis rate across all 10k patients (r-squared 0.68 to 0.77)

  • Almost all stroke units show high expected thrombolysis in a set of ‘ideal’ thrombolysis patients, but vary in expected use in subgroups with low stroke severity, no precise onset time, or existing pre-stroke disability. If a stroke unit showed lower thombolysis in one of these subgroups they also tended to show lower thrombolysis rates in the other subgroups - suggesting a shared caution in use of thrombolysis in ‘less ideal’ patients. Combination of non-ideal features significantly suppress use of thrombolysis further.

Import libraries#

# Turn warnings off to keep notebook tidy
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
import shap

from scipy import stats

from sklearn.metrics import auc
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

from xgboost import XGBClassifier

from os.path import exists
import json

import importlib

# Import local package
from utils import waterfall
# Force package to be reloaded

Set filenames#

# Set up strings (describing the model) to use in filenames
number_key_features = 10
model_text = f'xgb_{number_key_features}_features_10k_cohort'
notebook = '04b'

Create output folders if needed#

path = './saved_models'
if not os.path.exists(path):
path = './output'
if not os.path.exists(path):
path = './predictions'
if not os.path.exists(path):

Read in JSON file#

Contains a dictionary for plain English feature names for the 8 features selected in the model. Use these as the column titles in the DataFrame.

with open("./output/01_feature_name_dict.json") as json_file:
    dict_feature_name = json.load(json_file)

Load data#

10k cohort of patients in test data, rest in training data

data_loc = '../data/10k_training_test/'
# Load data
train = pd.read_csv(data_loc + 'cohort_10000_train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv(data_loc + 'cohort_10000_test.csv')

# Read in the names of the selected features for the model
number_of_features_to_use = 10
key_features = pd.read_csv('./output/01_feature_selection.csv')
key_features = list(key_features['feature'])[:number_of_features_to_use]
# And add the target feature name: S2Thrombolysis

# Select features
train = train[key_features]
train.rename(columns=dict_feature_name, inplace=True)
test = test[key_features]
test.rename(columns=dict_feature_name, inplace=True)

Store admissions per hospital

df_admissions = (
    pd.DataFrame(index=np.unique(train["Stroke team"], return_counts=True)[0]))
df_admissions[f"Admissions"] = (
    np.unique(train["Stroke team"], return_counts=True)[1])

Format data

# Get X and y
X_train = train.drop('Thrombolysis', axis=1)
X_test = test.drop('Thrombolysis', axis=1)
y_train = train['Thrombolysis']
y_test = test['Thrombolysis']

# One hot encode hospitals
X_train_hosp = pd.get_dummies(X_train['Stroke team'], prefix = 'team')
X_train = pd.concat([X_train, X_train_hosp], axis=1)
X_train.drop('Stroke team', axis=1, inplace=True)
X_test_hosp = pd.get_dummies(X_test['Stroke team'], prefix = 'team')
X_test = pd.concat([X_test, X_test_hosp], axis=1)
X_test.drop('Stroke team', axis=1, inplace=True)    

Get data for 10k cohort attending each hospital - calculate thrombolysis rate#

For each hospital, set all of the 10k patients in the test set as attending that hospital, and calculate the thrombolysis rate. This will give a thrombolysis rate for each hospital with patient variation removed, and only hospital factors remaining.

If file exists read it in, else calculate it (using model fitted on the 10k cohort, from notebook 04).

filename = (f'./predictions/{notebook}_{model_text}_'

# Check if exists
file_exists = exists(filename)

if file_exists:
    # Load data of 10k cohort attending each hospital
    df_patient_results = pd.read_csv(filename)
    # Read XGBoost model fitted on the 10k cohort train/test dataset (04)
    filename_model = (f'./saved_models/04_{model_text}.p')
    # Load model interaction
    with open(filename_model, 'rb') as filehandler:
        model = pickle.load(filehandler)
    # Calculate data of 10k cohort attending each hospital
    # Initialise lists
    thrombolysis_rate = []
    single_predictions = []
    # Create list of unique hospitals
    hospitals = list(set(train['Stroke team']))

    # For each hospital
    for hospital in hospitals:

        # Get test data without thrombolysis hospital or stroke team
        X_test_no_hosp = test.drop(['Thrombolysis', 'Stroke team'], axis=1)

        # Copy hospital dataframe, change hospital ID (after set all to zero)
        X_test_adjusted_hospital = X_test_hosp.copy()
        X_test_adjusted_hospital.loc[:,:] = 0
        team = "team_" + hospital
        X_test_adjusted_hospital[team] = 1

        X_test_adjusted = pd.concat(
            [X_test_no_hosp, X_test_adjusted_hospital], axis=1)

        # Get predicted probabilities and class
        y_probs = model.predict_proba(X_test_adjusted)[:,1]
        y_pred = y_probs > 0.5

        # Save predictions
        single_predictions.append(y_pred * 1)
    # Convert individual predictions (a list of arrays) to a NumPy array, and 
    #   transpose
    patient_results = np.array(single_predictions).T
    # Convert to DataFrame
    df_patient_results = pd.DataFrame(patient_results, columns=hospitals)
    df_patient_results.to_csv(filename, index=False)

Get thrombolysis use for patient subgroups#

# Subgroup: All patients
df_results = pd.DataFrame()
df_results['All patients'] = df_patient_results.mean(axis=0) * 100
# Subgroup: Ideal patients

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = ((test['Stroke severity'] <= 25) &
        (test['Stroke severity'] >= 10) & 
        (test['Arrival-to-scan time'] <= 30) &
        (test['Infarction'] == 1) &
        (test['Precise onset time'] == 1) &
        (test['Prior disability level'] == 0) &
        (test['Use of AF anticoagulants'] == 0) &
        (test['Onset-to-arrival time'] <= 90) &
        (test['Age'] < 80) &
        (test['Onset during sleep'] == 0)

print (f'Number of patients in the ideal patient subgroup: '

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Ideal'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100

# Report the thrombolysis rate for this patient subgroup
for i in [100, 99, 95, 90, 85]:
    ans = np.sum(df_results['Ideal'] >= i) / len(df_results['Ideal']) * 100
    print (f'Hospitals (%) giving thrombolysis to at least {i}% '
           f'of this subgroup of patients: {ans:0.1f}')
Number of patients in the ideal patient subgroup: 290.00
Hospitals (%) giving thrombolysis to at least 100% of this subgroup of patients: 89.4
Hospitals (%) giving thrombolysis to at least 99% of this subgroup of patients: 94.7
Hospitals (%) giving thrombolysis to at least 95% of this subgroup of patients: 97.7
Hospitals (%) giving thrombolysis to at least 90% of this subgroup of patients: 97.7
Hospitals (%) giving thrombolysis to at least 85% of this subgroup of patients: 99.2

Patient subgroup: Mild stroke (NIHSS < 5)

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = test['Stroke severity'] < 5
print (f'Number of patients in the mild stroke subgroup: '

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['NIHSS < 5'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Number of patients in the mild stroke subgroup: 3746.00

Patient subgroup: No precise onset time

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = test['Precise onset time'] == 0
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum():0.2f}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Estimated onset time'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Included patients: 3769.00

Patient subgroup: Prior disability

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = test['Prior disability level'] > 2
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum()}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['mRS > 2'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Included patients: 2028

Patient subgroup: Older age

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = test['Age'] > 80
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum()}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Age > 80'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Included patients: 4230

Patient subgroup: Mid length Arrival-to-scan time

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = ((test['Arrival-to-scan time'] > 60) & 
        (test['Arrival-to-scan time'] < 90))
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum()}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Arrival-to-scan 60-90'] = (
                                df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100)
Included patients: 693

Patient subgroup: Haemorrhagic stroke

# Create mask, and count number of patients includedPatient subgroup: 
mask = test['Infarction'] == 0
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum()}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Haemorrhagic'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Included patients: 1507

Patient subgroup: Use of AF anticoagulants

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = test['Use of AF anticoagulants'] == 1
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum()}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Used AF anticoagulants'] = (
                                df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100)
Included patients: 1211

Patient subgroup: Mid length Onset-to-arrival time

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = ((test['Onset-to-arrival time'] > 150) & 
        (test['Onset-to-arrival time'] <= 180))
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum()}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Onset-to-arrival time 150-180'] = (
                                df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100)
Included patients: 979

Patient subgroup: Onset during sleep

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = test['Onset during sleep'] == 1
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum()}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Onset during sleep'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Included patients: 423

Filter dataframe to show hospitals with lowest/highest thrombolysis rates for the patient subgroups#

Show hospitals with low thrombolysis in mild stroke

df_results.sort_values('NIHSS < 5', ascending=True).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
LGNPK4211W 14.45 96.896552 0.000000 0.716370 5.177515 12.316785 3.174603 0.0 0.000000 7.865169 0.0
HZMLX7970T 11.49 87.241379 0.026695 1.193951 1.873767 8.416076 1.154401 0.0 1.486375 5.005107 0.0
OUXUZ1084Q 12.95 99.310345 0.053390 0.610241 0.147929 8.203310 2.308802 0.0 0.000000 7.048008 0.0
WJHSV5358P 22.39 100.000000 0.080085 7.720881 7.248521 17.990544 8.513709 0.0 0.412882 15.117467 0.0
HYCCK3082L 16.41 100.000000 0.240256 2.387901 3.550296 6.193853 2.020202 0.0 0.082576 9.805924 0.0
IATJE0497S 20.34 100.000000 0.266951 0.106129 8.629191 16.359338 3.607504 0.0 1.321222 11.848825 0.0
LFPMM4706C 17.16 100.000000 0.320342 2.918546 5.424063 11.962175 1.731602 0.0 0.247729 10.418795 0.0
LECHF1024T 14.78 85.172414 0.507208 3.900239 2.761341 10.732861 1.443001 0.0 0.908340 9.601634 0.0
XQAGA4299B 23.14 99.655172 0.774159 4.616609 9.319527 19.101655 1.010101 0.0 0.660611 17.364658 0.0
IUMNL9626U 20.58 100.000000 0.880940 5.624834 15.088757 19.290780 1.298701 0.0 3.468208 3.370787 0.0

Show hospitals with high thrombolysis in mild stroke.

df_results.sort_values('NIHSS < 5', ascending=False).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
TPXYE0168D 39.62 100.0 25.280299 6.102414 23.422091 32.742317 16.161616 0.0 15.772089 28.907048 0.000000
CNBGF2713O 40.93 100.0 22.423919 17.962324 27.465483 39.030733 12.554113 0.0 12.716763 32.890705 1.891253
HPWIF9956L 41.31 100.0 21.783235 12.549748 29.881657 36.619385 21.067821 0.0 16.019818 28.702758 0.472813
VKKDD9172T 45.27 100.0 21.623065 18.333776 38.412229 43.758865 19.913420 0.0 24.029727 36.670072 0.709220
GKONI0110I 41.32 100.0 18.579818 19.793049 24.506903 33.900709 17.027417 0.0 9.826590 32.788560 1.182033
HBFCN1575G 38.11 100.0 18.419648 11.753781 26.972387 32.009456 15.151515 0.0 6.771263 29.213483 0.000000
NTPQZ0829K 39.23 100.0 16.871329 19.872645 21.548323 32.813239 14.285714 0.0 2.312139 31.154239 0.945626
QWKRA8499D 38.82 100.0 15.776829 19.554258 25.394477 34.349882 14.862915 0.0 1.321222 30.132789 0.472813
MHMYL4920B 38.94 100.0 15.616658 18.599098 25.197239 33.404255 12.121212 0.0 9.826590 28.294178 1.182033
XDAFB7350M 38.67 100.0 14.548852 19.978774 24.161736 33.569740 7.359307 0.0 9.496284 34.422880 1.182033

Show hospitals with low thrombolysis with no precise onset time.

df_results.sort_values('Estimated onset time', ascending=True).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
IATJE0497S 20.34 100.000000 0.266951 0.106129 8.629191 16.359338 3.607504 0.0 1.321222 11.848825 0.0
HZNVT9936G 32.06 100.000000 9.930593 0.451048 27.071006 28.794326 11.399711 0.0 8.340215 22.471910 0.0
JADBS8258F 24.64 100.000000 5.552589 0.477580 8.579882 18.581560 5.339105 0.0 3.468208 17.364658 0.0
OUXUZ1084Q 12.95 99.310345 0.053390 0.610241 0.147929 8.203310 2.308802 0.0 0.000000 7.048008 0.0
LGNPK4211W 14.45 96.896552 0.000000 0.716370 5.177515 12.316785 3.174603 0.0 0.000000 7.865169 0.0
HYNBH3271L 21.24 100.000000 3.737320 0.875564 4.930966 14.397163 6.060606 0.0 0.000000 6.537283 0.0
LZAYM7611L 19.05 99.655172 1.788574 1.140886 7.199211 13.995272 4.473304 0.0 0.082576 9.601634 0.0
HZMLX7970T 11.49 87.241379 0.026695 1.193951 1.873767 8.416076 1.154401 0.0 1.486375 5.005107 0.0
TFSJP6914B 23.76 100.000000 5.659370 1.193951 7.692308 17.943262 6.782107 0.0 0.000000 11.031665 0.0
IYJHY1440E 20.55 100.000000 2.269087 1.273547 5.621302 16.004728 3.896104 0.0 1.486375 11.440245 0.0

Show hospitals with high thrombolysis with no precise onset time.

df_results.sort_values('Estimated onset time', ascending=False).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
XDAFB7350M 38.67 100.0 14.548852 19.978774 24.161736 33.569740 7.359307 0.0 9.496284 34.422880 1.182033
NTPQZ0829K 39.23 100.0 16.871329 19.872645 21.548323 32.813239 14.285714 0.0 2.312139 31.154239 0.945626
GKONI0110I 41.32 100.0 18.579818 19.793049 24.506903 33.900709 17.027417 0.0 9.826590 32.788560 1.182033
SMVTP6284P 36.34 100.0 7.848372 19.739984 27.958580 33.404255 8.946609 0.0 5.615194 29.826353 0.709220
QWKRA8499D 38.82 100.0 15.776829 19.554258 25.394477 34.349882 14.862915 0.0 1.321222 30.132789 0.472813
MHMYL4920B 38.94 100.0 15.616658 18.599098 25.197239 33.404255 12.121212 0.0 9.826590 28.294178 1.182033
VKKDD9172T 45.27 100.0 21.623065 18.333776 38.412229 43.758865 19.913420 0.0 24.029727 36.670072 0.709220
IAZKG9244A 37.57 100.0 12.146289 18.333776 26.873767 32.907801 8.225108 0.0 10.156895 27.987743 1.654846
XKAWN3771U 36.13 100.0 12.306460 18.121518 14.003945 28.463357 18.181818 0.0 6.358382 28.192033 0.472813
CNBGF2713O 40.93 100.0 22.423919 17.962324 27.465483 39.030733 12.554113 0.0 12.716763 32.890705 1.891253

Show hospitals with low thrombolysis with pre-existing disabilty.

df_results.sort_values('mRS > 2', ascending=True).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
OUXUZ1084Q 12.95 99.310345 0.053390 0.610241 0.147929 8.203310 2.308802 0.0 0.000000 7.048008 0.000000
HZMLX7970T 11.49 87.241379 0.026695 1.193951 1.873767 8.416076 1.154401 0.0 1.486375 5.005107 0.000000
TKRKH4920C 21.09 97.931034 1.788574 3.024675 1.923077 15.295508 3.030303 0.0 1.238646 14.300306 0.000000
LECHF1024T 14.78 85.172414 0.507208 3.900239 2.761341 10.732861 1.443001 0.0 0.908340 9.601634 0.000000
YEXCH8391J 20.94 100.000000 1.815270 7.216768 2.859961 14.964539 4.473304 0.0 0.000000 11.338100 0.000000
BICAW1125K 21.50 100.000000 4.458089 3.687981 3.007890 14.586288 0.144300 0.0 0.247729 14.606742 0.000000
NZNML2841Q 22.64 100.000000 5.579285 2.785885 3.057199 16.382979 5.916306 0.0 1.734104 15.321757 0.000000
HYCCK3082L 16.41 100.000000 0.240256 2.387901 3.550296 6.193853 2.020202 0.0 0.082576 9.805924 0.000000
FAJKD7118X 24.31 100.000000 3.683930 11.382330 3.944773 17.446809 5.050505 0.0 0.165153 18.794688 0.236407
NFBUF0424E 23.64 100.000000 5.125467 3.953303 3.994083 17.092199 15.151515 0.0 0.412882 13.278856 0.000000

Show hospitals with high thrombolysis with pre-existing disabilty.

df_results.sort_values('mRS > 2', ascending=False).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
VKKDD9172T 45.27 100.0 21.623065 18.333776 38.412229 43.758865 19.913420 0.0 24.029727 36.670072 0.709220
HPWIF9956L 41.31 100.0 21.783235 12.549748 29.881657 36.619385 21.067821 0.0 16.019818 28.702758 0.472813
QQUVD2066Z 36.73 100.0 8.702616 14.804988 28.895464 33.451537 9.090909 0.0 10.734930 25.944842 0.472813
SMVTP6284P 36.34 100.0 7.848372 19.739984 27.958580 33.404255 8.946609 0.0 5.615194 29.826353 0.709220
CNBGF2713O 40.93 100.0 22.423919 17.962324 27.465483 39.030733 12.554113 0.0 12.716763 32.890705 1.891253
HZNVT9936G 32.06 100.0 9.930593 0.451048 27.071006 28.794326 11.399711 0.0 8.340215 22.471910 0.000000
HBFCN1575G 38.11 100.0 18.419648 11.753781 26.972387 32.009456 15.151515 0.0 6.771263 29.213483 0.000000
IAZKG9244A 37.57 100.0 12.146289 18.333776 26.873767 32.907801 8.225108 0.0 10.156895 27.987743 1.654846
QWKRA8499D 38.82 100.0 15.776829 19.554258 25.394477 34.349882 14.862915 0.0 1.321222 30.132789 0.472813
MHMYL4920B 38.94 100.0 15.616658 18.599098 25.197239 33.404255 12.121212 0.0 9.826590 28.294178 1.182033

Show hospitals with low thrombolysis with age > 80.

df_results.sort_values('Age > 80', ascending=True).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
HYCCK3082L 16.41 100.000000 0.240256 2.387901 3.550296 6.193853 2.020202 0.0 0.082576 9.805924 0.000000
XPABC1435F 10.10 72.068966 1.174586 2.334837 4.388560 7.777778 0.000000 0.0 0.743187 7.660878 0.236407
OUXUZ1084Q 12.95 99.310345 0.053390 0.610241 0.147929 8.203310 2.308802 0.0 0.000000 7.048008 0.000000
HZMLX7970T 11.49 87.241379 0.026695 1.193951 1.873767 8.416076 1.154401 0.0 1.486375 5.005107 0.000000
LECHF1024T 14.78 85.172414 0.507208 3.900239 2.761341 10.732861 1.443001 0.0 0.908340 9.601634 0.000000
BBXPQ0212O 20.79 100.000000 2.189002 2.600159 4.092702 11.394799 3.318903 0.0 0.660611 13.483146 0.000000
LFPMM4706C 17.16 100.000000 0.320342 2.918546 5.424063 11.962175 1.731602 0.0 0.247729 10.418795 0.000000
LGNPK4211W 14.45 96.896552 0.000000 0.716370 5.177515 12.316785 3.174603 0.0 0.000000 7.865169 0.000000
ISXKM9668U 15.21 97.241379 1.281367 3.396126 4.585799 12.860520 1.298701 0.0 1.321222 5.720123 0.000000
LZAYM7611L 19.05 99.655172 1.788574 1.140886 7.199211 13.995272 4.473304 0.0 0.082576 9.601634 0.000000

Show hospitals with high thrombolysis with with age > 80.

df_results.sort_values('Age > 80', ascending=False).head(10)
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep
VKKDD9172T 45.27 100.0 21.623065 18.333776 38.412229 43.758865 19.913420 0.0 24.029727 36.670072 0.709220
CNBGF2713O 40.93 100.0 22.423919 17.962324 27.465483 39.030733 12.554113 0.0 12.716763 32.890705 1.891253
HPWIF9956L 41.31 100.0 21.783235 12.549748 29.881657 36.619385 21.067821 0.0 16.019818 28.702758 0.472813
QWKRA8499D 38.82 100.0 15.776829 19.554258 25.394477 34.349882 14.862915 0.0 1.321222 30.132789 0.472813
GKONI0110I 41.32 100.0 18.579818 19.793049 24.506903 33.900709 17.027417 0.0 9.826590 32.788560 1.182033
XDAFB7350M 38.67 100.0 14.548852 19.978774 24.161736 33.569740 7.359307 0.0 9.496284 34.422880 1.182033
QQUVD2066Z 36.73 100.0 8.702616 14.804988 28.895464 33.451537 9.090909 0.0 10.734930 25.944842 0.472813
SMVTP6284P 36.34 100.0 7.848372 19.739984 27.958580 33.404255 8.946609 0.0 5.615194 29.826353 0.709220
MHMYL4920B 38.94 100.0 15.616658 18.599098 25.197239 33.404255 12.121212 0.0 9.826590 28.294178 1.182033
IAZKG9244A 37.57 100.0 12.146289 18.333776 26.873767 32.907801 8.225108 0.0 10.156895 27.987743 1.654846

Add combinations#

Patient subgroup: Mild stroke (NIHSS < 5) and no precise onset

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = ((test['Stroke severity'] < 5) & 
        (test['Precise onset time'] == 0))
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum():0.2f}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['NIHSS + Precise'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Included patients: 1498.00

Patient subgroup: Mild stroke (NIHSS < 5) and prestroke disability

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = ((test['Stroke severity'] < 5) & 
        (test['Prior disability level'] > 2))
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum():0.2f}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['NIHSS + Disability'] = df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100
Included patients: 499.00

Patient subgroup: No precise onset and prestroke disability

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = ((test['Precise onset time'] == 0) & 
        (test['Prior disability level'] > 2))
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum():0.2f}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['Precise + Disability'] = (
                                df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100)
Included patients: 953.00

Patient subgroup: NIHSS < 5, No precise onset, and prestroke disability

# Create mask, and count number of patients included
mask = ((test['Stroke severity'] < 5) &
        (test['Precise onset time'] == 0) & 
        (test['Prior disability level'] > 2))
print (f'Included patients: {mask.sum():0.2f}')

# Add subgroup results to dataframe
df_results['NIHSS + Precise + Disability'] = (
                                df_patient_results[mask].mean(axis=0) * 100)
Included patients: 261.00

Plot results#

Plot data for 6 patient subgroups (all patients, ideal candidate for thrombolysis, and four suboptimal individual features)

df_sorted_results = df_results.sort_values('All patients', ascending=False)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['All patients'], label='All', c='k')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Ideal'], label='Ideal', c='r')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax1.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Percent of 10k subgroup predicted to receive thrombolysis')
ax1.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.3))

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax2.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Percent of 10k subgroup predicted to receive thrombolysis')

plt.savefig(f'./output/{notebook}_{model_text}_selected_subgroups.jpg', dpi=300, 


Plot data for all patient subgroups (all patients, ideal candidate for thrombolysis, and all nine individual features)

df_sorted_results = df_results.sort_values('All patients', ascending=False)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['All patients'], label='All', c='k')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Ideal'], label='Ideal', c='r')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Arrival-to-scan 60-90'], 
         label='Arrival-to-scan 60-90', c='peru')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Haemorrhagic'], label='Haemorrhagic', c='y')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Used AF anticoagulants'], 
         label='Used AF anticoagulants', c='lime')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset-to-arrival time 150-180'], 
         label='Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', c='navy')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset during sleep'],
         label='Onset during sleep', c='aqua')
ax1.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.4))

ax1.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Percent of 10k subgroup predicted to receive thrombolysis')

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Arrival-to-scan 60-90'], 
         label='Arrival-to-scan 60-90', c='peru')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Haemorrhagic'], label='Haemorrhagic', c='y')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Used AF anticoagulants'], 
         label='Used AF anticoagulants', c='lime')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset-to-arrival time 150-180'], 
         label='Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', c='navy')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset during sleep'], 
         label='Onset during sleep', c='aqua')
ax2.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Percent of 10k subgroup predicted to receive thrombolysis')

            dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')


Plot observations.

  • The observed data for the patient subgroup Onset during sleep shows a 3% thrombolysis rate (compared to 30% thrombolysis rate for all patients arriving within 4 hours).

  • The SHAP value for onset during sleep is comparable to anticoagulant use, so we’re surprised to see onset during sleep to flat line in these graphs (aqua), whereas anticoagulants drops slowly like the others (but on a lower level).

  • Patient subgroup haemorrhagic shows 0% thrombolysis rate or all hospitals, as expected.

  • Onset-to-arrival: The RHS of each plot contains the hospitals that give thromboylsis to all patients the least, so hospitals are choosing to not give thrombolysis to more patients, however the onset-to-arrival subgroup have a higher thrombolysis rate than expect. So this is not an as important feature for between hospital behaviour.

Show a summary of results as table#

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
All patients 132.0 27.963636 6.330286 10.100000 23.995000 27.605000 32.052500 45.270000
Ideal 132.0 99.469697 2.974083 72.068966 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000
NIHSS < 5 132.0 6.607452 4.802008 0.000000 3.810731 5.672718 7.948478 25.280299
Estimated onset time 132.0 7.915853 5.047863 0.106129 4.119130 7.123906 10.984346 19.978774
mRS > 2 132.0 12.598246 7.096859 0.147929 7.692308 10.798817 16.161243 38.412229
Age > 80 132.0 22.466330 6.523119 6.193853 18.575650 21.938534 25.933806 43.758865
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 132.0 7.067428 3.881265 0.000000 5.303030 6.349206 8.405483 21.067821
Haemorrhagic 132.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Used AF anticoagulants 132.0 3.047819 3.723689 0.000000 0.660611 1.610239 3.860446 24.029727
Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 132.0 19.450893 6.224218 3.370787 16.726251 19.356486 23.416752 36.670072
Onset during sleep 132.0 0.342073 1.213665 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.236407 12.529551
NIHSS + Precise 132.0 0.560849 1.219220 0.000000 0.000000 0.066756 0.333778 6.408545
NIHSS + Disability 132.0 0.710512 1.906863 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.400802 13.226453
Precise + Disability 132.0 2.075583 3.062400 0.000000 0.104932 0.629591 3.147954 15.739769
NIHSS + Precise + Disability 132.0 0.078370 0.371978 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.681992

Show a summary of results as violin plot#

Each violin represents the range of predicted thrombolysis rate across the 132 hosptials for a patient subgroup (selected from the 10k patient cohort)

cols = ['All patients', 'Ideal', 'NIHSS < 5', 'Estimated onset time', 'mRS > 2', 
        'Age > 80', 'Arrival-to-scan 60-90', 'Haemorrhagic', 
        'Used AF anticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', 
        'Onset during sleep', 'NIHSS + Precise', 'NIHSS + Disability', 
        'Precise + Disability', 'NIHSS + Precise + Disability']

labels = ['', 'All', 'Ideal\npatients', 'NIHSS<5', 'No precise\nonset', 'mRS>2',
          'Age>80', 'Arrival-to-scan\n60-90', 'Haemorrhagic', 
          'Used AF\nanticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival\ntime 150-180', 
          'Onset during\nsleep','NIHSS+\nPrecise', 'NIHSS+\nDisability', 
          'Precise+\nDisability', 'NIHSS+\nPrecise+\nDisability']

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.violinplot(df_results[cols], showmedians=True)
ax.set_ylabel('Predicted thrombolysis use (%)')
ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=30)
            dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2)

Check correlations between pairs of patient subgroups (from the 10k cohort)#

features = ['All patients', 'Ideal', 'NIHSS < 5', 'Estimated onset time', 
            'mRS > 2', 'Age > 80', 'Arrival-to-scan 60-90', 'Haemorrhagic', 
            'Used AF anticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival time 150-180',
            'Onset during sleep']

print ('Correlations between subgroups:')
print ('-------------------------------')

# Loop through all features
for feat1 in features:
    # Loop through all features from the chosen feature
    for feat2 in features[features.index(feat1)+1:]:
        # If can, calculate correlation between feature pair
            slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \
                stats.linregress(df_results[feat1], df_results[feat2])
            print (f'{feat1} - {feat2}: r-square = {r_value**2:0.3f}, '
                   f'p = {p_value:0.3f}')

        # Otherwise report not possible
            print (f'{feat1} - {feat2}: Correlation cannot be calulated')
Correlations between subgroups:
All patients - Ideal: r-square = 0.172, p = 0.000
All patients - NIHSS < 5: r-square = 0.766, p = 0.000
All patients - Estimated onset time: r-square = 0.679, p = 0.000
All patients - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.774, p = 0.000
All patients - Age > 80: r-square = 0.927, p = 0.000
All patients - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.617, p = 0.000
All patients - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
All patients - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.515, p = 0.000
All patients - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.886, p = 0.000
All patients - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.036, p = 0.029
Ideal - NIHSS < 5: r-square = 0.043, p = 0.017
Ideal - Estimated onset time: r-square = 0.037, p = 0.027
Ideal - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.045, p = 0.015
Ideal - Age > 80: r-square = 0.113, p = 0.000
Ideal - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.070, p = 0.002
Ideal - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Ideal - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.011, p = 0.240
Ideal - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.101, p = 0.000
Ideal - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.001, p = 0.679
NIHSS < 5 - Estimated onset time: r-square = 0.445, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.621, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Age > 80: r-square = 0.681, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.661, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
NIHSS < 5 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.578, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.665, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.017, p = 0.138
Estimated onset time - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.528, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Age > 80: r-square = 0.654, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.319, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Estimated onset time - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.339, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.696, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.096, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Age > 80: r-square = 0.868, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.474, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
mRS > 2 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.616, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.652, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.016, p = 0.153
Age > 80 - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.548, p = 0.000
Age > 80 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Age > 80 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.566, p = 0.000
Age > 80 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.824, p = 0.000
Age > 80 - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.033, p = 0.038
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.407, p = 0.000
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.496, p = 0.000
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.008, p = 0.303
Haemorrhagic - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Haemorrhagic - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Haemorrhagic - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Used AF anticoagulants - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.423, p = 0.000
Used AF anticoagulants - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.011, p = 0.225
Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.058, p = 0.005

Save results#

df_results.to_csv(f'./output/{notebook}_{model_text}_groups.csv', index=True)

Additional analysis: Why don’t many patients in the subgroup “onset during sleep” get thrombolysis?#

Check whether the patients that have onset during sleep also have an estimated onset time.

See whether it is the combination that if have onset during sleep then also have estimated onset time, and so the combination of both SHAPs gives minimal chance to have thrombolysis.

# Onset during sleep
mask = test['Onset during sleep'] == 1

print(f'Percent of patients with onset in sleep that have precise onset time: '
      f'{(test["Precise onset time"][mask].mean(axis=0)/test.shape[0])*100}%')
Percent of patients with onset in sleep that have precise onset time: 0.0%

Plot waterfall plots#

Using the model fitted on the 10k cohort data (from notebook 04), calculate the SHAP values

# Read XGBoost model fitted on the 10k cohort train/test dataset (04)
filename_model = (f'./saved_models/04_{model_text}.p')

# Load model interaction
with open(filename_model, 'rb') as filehandler:
    model = pickle.load(filehandler)

# Set up explainer using the model and feature values from training set
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(model, X_train)
shap_values_extended = explainer(X_test)
 97%|=================== | 9725/10000 [00:14<00:00]       

Let’s see a waterfall plot for a few of these patients.

for i in range(3):
    location_onset_during_sleep = (
                            np.where(test['Onset during sleep'] == 1)[0][i])

    fig = waterfall.waterfall(shap_values_extended[location_onset_during_sleep], 
                              show=False, max_display=8, 
                              y_reverse=True, rank_absolute=False)
                dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2)
../_images/688321acc0bfb5f9c1fe92ffa142e2194f46a7c1bfa36bbf9d297c7c26860928.png ../_images/fe221bcdcfe0eb42d2e2a84ad0d1a6c4c37955a0e9c82c929791cbd4608f94aa.png ../_images/f2ded2825cebe76e6f9d3bb34db12c50b9de7b67c21b6c65f7a03e442cad3a3e.png