A comparison of actual thrombolysis rates across hospitals: subgroup analysis#

Plain English summary#

We have previously predicted the thrombolysis use in subgroups, if all hospitals saw the same 10 thousand patients. In this notebook we look at the same subgroup analysis, this time for observed thrombolysis use. One difference between this and the previous work, is that when we look at observed thrombolysis use, then the patients in the subgroups are different at each hospital, but we can still look for agreement in general patterns.

Informed by the SHAP values, we analysed the observed use of thrombolysis in subgroups of patients: one ‘ideally’ thrombolysable patient, nine ‘sub-optimal’ thrombolysable patient subgroups (one subgroup per feature), and subgroups with combinations of sub-optimal features. We based the ideally thrombolysable definition on observing the relationships between feature values and thrombolysis use, and for each ‘sub optimal’ subgroup we chose the feature value that is less desirable for choosing to use thrombolysis (this is either a feature value that corresponds with a SHAP value of zero, or the least favourable value for binary features).

The patient subgroups are defined as:

  • An ‘ideally’ thrombolysable patient:

    • Mid-level stroke severity (NIHSS in range 10-25)

    • Short arrival-to-scan time (less than 30 minutes)

    • Stroke caused by infarction

    • Precise stroke onset time known

    • No pre-stroke disability (mRS 0)

    • Not taking atrial fibrillation anticoagulants

    • Short onset-to-arrival time (less than 90 minutes)

    • Younger than 80 years old

    • Onset not during sleep

  • Patients with a milder stroke severity (NIHSS less than 5)

  • Patients where stroke onset time known imprecisely

  • Patients with existing pre-stroke disability (mRS greater than 2)

  • Patients with a haemorrhagic stroke

  • Patients with 60-90 minutes arrival-to-scan time

  • Patients with use of AF anticoagulants

  • Patients with 150-180 minutes onset-to-arrival time

  • Patients with onset during sleep

  • Patients aged over 80 years old

As with the predicted thrombolysis use (if all hopsitals saw the same patients), we see the same patterns. All stroke units show high expected thrombolysis in a set of ‘ideal’ thrombolysis patients, but vary in expected use in subgroups with low stroke severity, no precise onset time, or existing pre-stroke disability. If a stroke unit showed lower thombolysis in one of these subgroups they also tended to show lower thrombolysis rates in the other subgroups - suggesting a shared caution in use of thrombolysis in ‘less ideal’ patients.


This analysis is for patients who arrive within 4 hours of known stroke onset. The data is the observed thrombolsyis use at each hopsital (not modelled/predicted thrombolysis use).


  • Look at actual thrombolysis use in these subgroups of patients (in addiitonal to total thrombolysis use):

    • An ideal thrombolysable patient:

      • Stroke severity NIHSS in range 10-25

      • Arrival-to-scan time < 30 minutes

      • Stroke type = infarction

      • Precise onset time = True

      • Prior diability level (mRS) = 0

      • No use of AF anticoagulants

      • Onset-to-arrival time < 90 minutes

      • Age < 80 years

      • Onset during sleep = False

    • Mild stroke severity (NIHSS < 5)

    • No precise onset time

    • Existing pre-stroke disability (mRS > 2)

    • Older than 80 years old

    • A haemorrhagic stroke

    • Arrival-to-scan time 60-90 minutes

    • Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 minutes

    • Use of AF anticoagulants

    • Onset during sleep


  • The three subgroups of NIHSS <5, no precise stroke onset time, and prestroke mRS > 2, all had reduced thrombolysis use (compared to all patients), and combining these non-ideal features reduced thrombolysis use further.

  • The three subgroups of NIHSS <5, no precise stroke onset time, and prestroke mRS > 2, tended to reduce in parallel, along with total thrombolysis use, suggesting a shared caution in use of thrombolysis in ‘less ideal’ patients.

  • The observed and predicted subgroup analysis show very similar general patterns (with r-sqaured=0.93). Some differences exist:

    • The use of thrombolysis in ideal patients is a little low in the observed vs predicted results (mean hospital thrombolysis use = 89% vs 99%).

    • The predicted results show a stronger effect of combining non-ideal features.

    • The observed thrombolysis rate shows higher between-hospital variation than the predicted thrombolysis rate. This may be partly explained by the observed thrombolysis rate being on different patients at each hospital, but may also be partly explained by actual use of thrombolysis being slightly more variable than predicted thrombolysis use (which will follow general hospital patterns, and will not include, for example, between-clinician variation at each hospital).

Import packages#

import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

Set filenames#

# Set up strings (describing the model) to use in filenames
number_key_features = 10
model_text = f'xgb_{number_key_features}_features_10k_cohort'
notebook = '04c'

Import data#

# Load one k-fold, and join to get full data
data_loc = '../data/kfold_5fold/'
train = pd.read_csv(data_loc + 'train_0.csv')
test = pd.read_csv(data_loc + 'test_0.csv')
data = pd.concat([train, test])

# Restrict data fields and rename
with open("./output/01_feature_name_dict.json") as json_file:
    feature_name_dict = json.load(json_file)
number_of_features_to_use = 10
key_features = pd.read_csv('./output/01_feature_selection.csv')
key_features = list(key_features['feature'])[:number_of_features_to_use]
data = data[key_features]
data.rename(columns=feature_name_dict, inplace=True)
Arrival-to-scan time Infarction Stroke severity Precise onset time Prior disability level Stroke team Use of AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time Onset during sleep Age Thrombolysis
0 14.0 0 24.0 1 0 APXEE8191H 0 106.0 0 92.5 0
1 8.0 1 27.0 1 0 EQZZZ5658G 0 144.0 0 72.5 1
2 18.0 1 2.0 0 0 QOAPO4699N 0 83.0 0 72.5 1
3 19.0 1 12.0 1 4 JINXD0311F 0 78.0 0 57.5 1
4 22.0 1 27.0 1 3 HBFCN1575G 1 145.0 0 82.5 1

Get thrombolysis use in subgroups at each hospital#

Store in dictionary

# Initialise dictionary to store a dictionary per hospital 
#   (using hosptial name as key)
dict_results = dict()

# Group data by hospital
grouped_data = data.groupby('Stroke team')

# Loop through hospitals
for hospital, hosp_data in grouped_data:
    # Initialise dictionary for this hospital
    dict_hosp_results = dict()
    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for all patients attending hospital
    dict_hosp_results['All patients'] = hosp_data['Thrombolysis'].mean()

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for ideal patients
    mask = ((hosp_data['Stroke severity'] <= 25) &
        (hosp_data['Stroke severity'] >= 10) & 
        (hosp_data['Arrival-to-scan time'] <= 30) &
        (hosp_data['Infarction'] == 1) &
        (hosp_data['Precise onset time'] == 1) &
        (hosp_data['Prior disability level'] == 0) &
        (hosp_data['Use of AF anticoagulants'] == 0) &
        (hosp_data['Onset-to-arrival time'] <= 90) &
        (hosp_data['Age'] < 80) &
        (hosp_data['Onset during sleep'] == 0)
    dict_hosp_results['Ideal'] = hosp_data[mask]['Thrombolysis'].mean()

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for mild stroke (NIHSS < 5)
    mask = hosp_data['Stroke severity'] < 5
    dict_hosp_results['NIHSS < 5'] = hosp_data[mask]['Thrombolysis'].mean()

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for no precise onset time
    mask = hosp_data['Precise onset time'] == 0
    dict_hosp_results['Estimated onset time'] = (

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for patients with prior disability
    mask = hosp_data['Prior disability level'] > 2
    dict_hosp_results['mRS > 2'] = hosp_data[mask]['Thrombolysis'].mean()

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for > 80 year olds
    mask = hosp_data['Age'] > 80 
    dict_hosp_results['Age > 80'] = hosp_data[mask]['Thrombolysis'].mean()
    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for arrival-to-scan time 60-90 mins
    mask = ((hosp_data['Arrival-to-scan time'] > 60) & 
            (hosp_data['Arrival-to-scan time'] <= 90))
    dict_hosp_results['Arrival-to-scan 60-90'] = (
    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for haemorrhagic stroke
    mask = hosp_data['Infarction'] == 0
    dict_hosp_results['Haemorrhagic'] = hosp_data[mask]['Thrombolysis'].mean()

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for patients who use AF anticoagulants
    mask = hosp_data['Use of AF anticoagulants'] == 1
    dict_hosp_results['Used AF anticoagulants'] = (

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for onset-to-arrival time 150-180 mins
    mask = ((hosp_data['Onset-to-arrival time'] > 150) & 
            (hosp_data['Onset-to-arrival time'] <= 180))
    dict_hosp_results['Onset-to-arrival time 150-180'] = (

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for onset during sleep
    mask = hosp_data['Onset during sleep'] == 1
    dict_hosp_results['Onset during sleep'] = (

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for mild stroke (NIHSS < 5) & no precise onset
    mask = ((hosp_data['Stroke severity'] < 5) & 
            (hosp_data['Precise onset time'] == 0))
    dict_hosp_results['NIHSS + Precise'] = (

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for mild stroke (NIHSS < 5) & prestroke 
    #   disability
    mask = ((hosp_data['Stroke severity'] < 5) & 
            (hosp_data['Prior disability level'] > 2))
    dict_hosp_results['NIHSS + Disability'] = (

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for no precise onset & prestroke disability
    mask = ((hosp_data['Precise onset time'] == 0) & 
            (hosp_data['Prior disability level'] > 2))
    dict_hosp_results['Precise + Disability'] = (

    # Calculate thrombolysis rate for NIHSS < 5, no precise onset, prestroke 
    #   disability
    mask = ((hosp_data['Stroke severity'] < 5) &
            (hosp_data['Precise onset time'] == 0) & 
            (hosp_data['Prior disability level'] > 2))
    dict_hosp_results['NIHSS + Precise + Disability'] = (

    # Add dictionary of hospital results to main dictionary (using hospital
    #   name as key)
    dict_results[hospital] = dict_hosp_results

# Create dataframe of results (hospital per row, patient subgroup thrombolysis
#   rate per column)
df_results = pd.DataFrame(dict_results).T

# Convert to percent
df_results *= 100 
All patients Ideal NIHSS < 5 Estimated onset time mRS > 2 Age > 80 Arrival-to-scan 60-90 Haemorrhagic Used AF anticoagulants Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 Onset during sleep NIHSS + Precise NIHSS + Disability Precise + Disability NIHSS + Precise + Disability
AGNOF1041H 35.246843 82.051282 15.210356 18.623482 21.379310 29.189189 11.538462 0.0 8.849558 31.958763 2.777778 2.409639 0.000000 8.771930 0.000000
AKCGO9726K 36.974790 86.206897 23.049645 18.539326 33.887043 35.044248 16.981132 0.0 22.155689 33.333333 4.166667 8.275862 10.606061 17.177914 4.761905
AOBTM3098N 21.880342 80.000000 2.690583 5.813953 11.926606 18.309859 10.843373 0.0 5.128205 13.461538 2.040816 0.000000 0.000000 5.555556 0.000000
APXEE8191H 22.648084 100.000000 6.329114 12.356322 13.636364 20.270270 2.941176 0.0 3.061224 21.153846 3.333333 2.597403 0.000000 5.333333 0.000000
ATDID5461S 24.038462 100.000000 14.150943 2.727273 9.756098 16.265060 25.352113 0.0 0.000000 15.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.142857 0.000000 0.000000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
YPKYH1768F 24.605678 87.500000 5.185185 2.409639 11.475410 21.568627 21.621622 0.0 6.250000 20.000000 0.000000 0.000000 5.555556 0.000000 0.000000
YQMZV4284N 23.617021 100.000000 7.389163 6.074766 20.754717 22.594142 3.389831 0.0 5.357143 12.500000 0.000000 0.000000 2.439024 5.681818 0.000000
ZBVSO0975W 25.000000 76.923077 12.435233 14.705882 20.512821 23.560209 0.000000 0.0 1.886792 28.205128 0.000000 22.222222 0.000000 4.166667 0.000000
ZHCLE1578P 22.363946 100.000000 6.067416 22.070145 18.181818 20.000000 1.587302 0.0 6.410256 16.363636 NaN 6.067416 2.325581 18.279570 2.325581
ZRRCV7012C 15.767045 100.000000 6.250000 2.380952 6.000000 12.121212 5.681818 0.0 1.886792 13.114754 0.854701 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

132 rows × 15 columns

Plot results#

Plot data for 6 patient subgroups (all patients, ideal candidate for thrombolysis, and four suboptimal individual features)

df_sorted_results = df_results.sort_values('All patients', ascending=False)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['All patients'], label='All', c='k')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Ideal'], label='Ideal', c='r')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax1.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Percent of 10k subgroup predicted to receive thrombolysis')
ax1.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.3))

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax2.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Observed percent of patients receiving thrombolysis')

plt.savefig(f'./output/{notebook}_{model_text}_selected_subgroups.jpg', dpi=300, 


Plot data for all patient subgroups (all patients, ideal candidate for thrombolysis, and all nine individual features)

df_sorted_results = df_results.sort_values('All patients', ascending=False)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['All patients'], label='All', c='k')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Ideal'], label='Ideal', c='r')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Arrival-to-scan 60-90'], 
         label='Arrival-to-scan 60-90', c='peru')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Haemorrhagic'], label='Haemorrhagic', c='y')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Used AF anticoagulants'], 
         label='Used AF anticoagulants', c='lime')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset-to-arrival time 150-180'], 
         label='Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', c='navy')
ax1.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset during sleep'],
         label='Onset during sleep', c='aqua')
ax1.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Observed percent of patients receiving thrombolysis')
ax1.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.4))

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['NIHSS < 5'], label='NIHSS < 5', c='b')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Estimated onset time'], 
         label='Estimated onset time', c='g')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['mRS > 2'], label='mRS > 2', c='orange')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Age > 80'], label='Age > 80', c='m')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Arrival-to-scan 60-90'], 
         label='Arrival-to-scan 60-90', c='peru')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Haemorrhagic'], label='Haemorrhagic', c='y')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Used AF anticoagulants'], 
         label='Used AF anticoagulants', c='lime')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset-to-arrival time 150-180'], 
         label='Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', c='navy')
ax2.plot(df_sorted_results['Onset during sleep'], 
         label='Onset during sleep', c='aqua')
ax2.set_xlabel('Hospital\n(ordered by thrombolysis rate for all 10k patients)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Percent of 10k subgroup predicted to receive thrombolysis')

            dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')


Show a summary of results as table (observed dataset)#

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
All patients 132.0 28.618779 7.645344 6.250000 23.513019 28.007450 33.659365 48.756219
Ideal 132.0 89.175667 9.197675 50.000000 83.982143 90.454545 96.038462 100.000000
NIHSS < 5 132.0 11.422620 6.965480 0.490196 6.420988 10.572275 14.489520 40.845070
Estimated onset time 132.0 11.576738 7.882359 0.000000 5.263158 10.027830 16.461749 33.949192
mRS > 2 132.0 17.225861 8.150170 0.000000 11.085627 17.004327 22.443219 39.166667
Age > 80 132.0 24.086885 8.144390 4.545455 18.956249 23.205515 29.754550 52.307692
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 132.0 10.242127 6.820131 0.000000 5.119243 10.741758 14.829545 27.272727
Haemorrhagic 132.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Used AF anticoagulants 132.0 8.686992 5.319644 0.000000 4.875579 8.333333 12.007519 25.373134
Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 132.0 21.231160 8.633019 0.000000 14.787582 20.521390 28.007164 45.454545
Onset during sleep 125.0 3.355204 7.368548 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.777778 37.500000
NIHSS + Precise 132.0 4.185051 4.891655 0.000000 0.000000 2.667141 6.274700 25.925926
NIHSS + Disability 132.0 4.089944 5.230294 0.000000 0.000000 2.964427 6.250000 28.571429
Precise + Disability 132.0 7.266829 6.822990 0.000000 1.895749 5.555556 10.638639 30.000000
NIHSS + Precise + Disability 131.0 1.769021 4.384437 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 33.333333

Show a summary of results as violin plot (observed dataset)#

Each violin represents the range of predicted thrombolysis rate across the 132 hosptials for a patient subgroup (selected from the 10k patient cohort)

cols = ['All patients', 'Ideal', 'NIHSS < 5', 'Estimated onset time', 'mRS > 2', 
        'Age > 80', 'Arrival-to-scan 60-90', 'Haemorrhagic', 
        'Used AF anticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', 
        'Onset during sleep', 'NIHSS + Precise', 'NIHSS + Disability', 
        'Precise + Disability', 'NIHSS + Precise + Disability']

labels = ['', 'All', 'Ideal\npatients', 'NIHSS<5', 'No precise\nonset', 'mRS>2',
          'Age>80', 'Arrival-to-scan\n60-90', 'Haemorrhagic', 
          'Used AF\nanticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival\ntime 150-180', 
          'Onset during\nsleep','NIHSS+\nPrecise', 'NIHSS+\nDisability', 
          'Precise+\nDisability', 'NIHSS+\nPrecise+\nDisability']

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.violinplot(df_results[cols].dropna(), showmedians=True)
ax.set_ylabel('Actual thrombolysis use (%)')
ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=30)
            dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2)

Compare observed results with model results (predicted hospital thrombolysis rate for each subgroup created from the 10k cohort)#

Display data as boxplots

Read in model results from notebook 15.

model_results = pd.read_csv(f'./output/04b_{model_text}_groups.csv', 
                            index_col='Unnamed: 0')

Define the feature order as order of feature importance (the same order as used in notebook 03a for the violin plots). Add on a combination subgroup as an example.

cols = ['All patients', 'Ideal', 'Haemorrhagic', 'Arrival-to-scan 60-90', 
        'NIHSS < 5', 'Estimated onset time', 'mRS > 2', 
        'Used AF anticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', 
        'Age > 80', 'Onset during sleep', 'NIHSS + Precise']
labels = ['', 'All', 'Ideal\npatients', 'Haemorrhagic', 
          'Arrival-to-scan\n60-90', 'NIHSS<5', 'Estimated\nonset', 'mRS>2', 
          'Used AF\nanticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival\ntime 150-180', 'Age>80', 
          'Onset during\nsleep', 'NIHSS<5 +\nEstimated onset']

Plot boxplots in subplots.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax1.set_ylabel('Actual thrombolysis use (%)')
ax1.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=30)
ax1.set_title('Observed hospital thrombolysis by subgroups\n'
              'Note: Each hospital has their own patients')

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax2.set_ylabel('Predicted 10k thrombolysis use (%)')
ax2.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=30)
ax2.set_title('Predicted 10k thrombolysis by subgroups\n'
              'Note: Each hospital has the same 10k patients')

            dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2)

Calculate standard deviation and coefficient of variation for each feature.#

Coefficient of variation represents the extent of variability wrt mean.

It is defined as std dev / mean (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_variation)

Haemorragic has mean = 0, so not possible to calculate coefficient of variation for this feature

cv_cols = ['All patients', 'Ideal', 'Arrival-to-scan 60-90', 
        'NIHSS < 5', 'Estimated onset time', 'mRS > 2', 
        'Used AF anticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival time 150-180', 
        'Age > 80', 'Onset during sleep', 'NIHSS + Precise']

# Calculate standard deviation of thrombolysis rate for each patient subgroup
temp_df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=df_results[cols].std(),
                        columns=["standard deviation"])

# Define function to calculate cv
cv = lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1) / np.mean(x) * 100 
# Calculate cv of thrombolysis rate for each patient subgroup
temp_df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=df_results[cv_cols].apply(cv),
                        columns=["coefficient of variation"])

# Join both dataframes together
temp_df1 = temp_df1.join(temp_df2)

standard deviation coefficient of variation
All patients 7.645344 26.714431
Ideal 9.197675 10.314108
Haemorrhagic 0.000000 NaN
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 6.820131 66.589004
NIHSS < 5 6.965480 60.979706
Estimated onset time 7.882359 68.087912
mRS > 2 8.150170 47.313570
Used AF anticoagulants 5.319644 61.236898
Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 8.633019 40.662020
Age > 80 8.144390 33.812551
Onset during sleep 7.368548 219.615516
NIHSS + Precise 4.891655 116.884001

Check correlations between pairs of patient subgroups (from the observed dataset)#

features = ['All patients', 'Ideal', 'NIHSS < 5', 'Estimated onset time', 
            'mRS > 2', 'Age > 80', 'Arrival-to-scan 60-90', 'Haemorrhagic', 
            'Used AF anticoagulants', 'Onset-to-arrival time 150-180',
            'Onset during sleep']

print ('Correlations between subgroups:')
print ('-------------------------------')

# Loop through all features
for feat1 in features:
    # Loop through all features from the chosen feature
    for feat2 in features[features.index(feat1)+1:]:
        # If can, calculate correlation between feature pair
            slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \
            print (f'{feat1} - {feat2}: r-square = {r_value**2:0.3f}, '
                   f'p = {p_value:0.3f}')

        # Otherwise report not possible
            print (f'{feat1} - {feat2}: Correlation cannot be calulated')
Correlations between subgroups:
All patients - Ideal: r-square = 0.006, p = 0.365
All patients - NIHSS < 5: r-square = 0.661, p = 0.000
All patients - Estimated onset time: r-square = 0.344, p = 0.000
All patients - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.528, p = 0.000
All patients - Age > 80: r-square = 0.801, p = 0.000
All patients - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.158, p = 0.000
All patients - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
All patients - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.321, p = 0.000
All patients - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.663, p = 0.000
All patients - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
Ideal - NIHSS < 5: r-square = 0.003, p = 0.520
Ideal - Estimated onset time: r-square = 0.000, p = 0.875
Ideal - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.010, p = 0.258
Ideal - Age > 80: r-square = 0.004, p = 0.491
Ideal - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.002, p = 0.583
Ideal - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Ideal - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.000, p = 0.835
Ideal - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.001, p = 0.690
Ideal - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
NIHSS < 5 - Estimated onset time: r-square = 0.221, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.308, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Age > 80: r-square = 0.473, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.068, p = 0.003
NIHSS < 5 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
NIHSS < 5 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.186, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.432, p = 0.000
NIHSS < 5 - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
Estimated onset time - mRS > 2: r-square = 0.289, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Age > 80: r-square = 0.342, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.031, p = 0.044
Estimated onset time - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Estimated onset time - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.206, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.330, p = 0.000
Estimated onset time - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
mRS > 2 - Age > 80: r-square = 0.680, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.040, p = 0.021
mRS > 2 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
mRS > 2 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.293, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.408, p = 0.000
mRS > 2 - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
Age > 80 - Arrival-to-scan 60-90: r-square = 0.080, p = 0.001
Age > 80 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Age > 80 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.351, p = 0.000
Age > 80 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.598, p = 0.000
Age > 80 - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Haemorrhagic: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.057, p = 0.006
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.059, p = 0.005
Arrival-to-scan 60-90 - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
Haemorrhagic - Used AF anticoagulants: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Haemorrhagic - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Haemorrhagic - Onset during sleep: r-square = 0.000, p = 1.000
Used AF anticoagulants - Onset-to-arrival time 150-180: r-square = 0.208, p = 0.000
Used AF anticoagulants - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
Onset-to-arrival time 150-180 - Onset during sleep: r-square = nan, p = nan
/home/kerry/miniconda3/envs/samuel2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/stats/_stats_mstats_common.py:170: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  slope = ssxym / ssxm
/home/kerry/miniconda3/envs/samuel2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/stats/_stats_mstats_common.py:187: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  slope_stderr = np.sqrt((1 - r**2) * ssym / ssxm / df)
/home/kerry/miniconda3/envs/samuel2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/stats/_stats_mstats_common.py:194: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  intercept_stderr = slope_stderr * np.sqrt(ssxm + xmean**2)

Analyse correlation between observed and predicted subgroup thrombolysis use#

Collate results

df_compare = pd.DataFrame()
df_compare['predicted'] = model_results.values.flatten()
df_compare['observed'] = df_results.values.flatten()

Create scatter plot

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.scatter(df_compare['predicted'], df_compare['observed'], 
    marker='x', s=10, c='k', alpha=0.5)

ax.set_xlabel('Predicted subgroup thrombolysis use (%)')
ax.set_ylabel('Observed subgroup thrombolysis use (%)')

# Calculate best fit
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \
        stats.linregress(df_compare['predicted'], df_compare['observed'])

# Plot best fit
ax.plot([0, 100], [intercept, intercept + (100 * slope)], 
    linestyle='--', c='k', linewidth=1)

text = (f'r-squared = {r_value**2:0.3f}\n'
    '(predicted and observed subgroup patients are different)')

ax.text(0, 96, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='white'))

The observed and predicted subgroup analysis show very similar general patterns (with r-squared=0.93).