Calculate outcomes#

This notebook calculates outcomes based on travel times from Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) to nearest (in time) acute stroke units that provide thrombolysis and/or thrombectomy.

This notebook calculates the outcomes using the stroke outcome model. The following notebooks combine different cohorts of patients to find the results for a mixed population, and then further notebooks plot the results.

Plain English summary#

We would like to know how travel time to stroke units affects patient outcomes for different parts of England and Wales. We can explore this by keeping the same timings for everything else between the start of the stroke and the beginning of treatment and only adjusting the travel time. For example, a patient who lives 20 minutes further away from the stroke unit than another patient will have an onset to treatment time 20 minutes longer.

In this notebook we look at each Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), a small region of the country that contains a couple of thousand people. For an idea of scale, the city of Exeter is split into around 70 or 80 LSOA. In a more rural location, a larger geographical area must be covered to collect a couple of thousand people and so the LSOAs are larger.

We find a few travel times:

  • the travel time from each LSOA to its nearest stroke unit

  • the travel time from each LSOA to its nearest thrombectomy unit

  • the travel time between each LSOA’s nearest stroke unit and its nearest thrombectomy unit, for transfers between hospitals

We then add these to fixed stroke pathway times to calculate a few times to treatment:

  • time to IVT when travelling directly to the nearest stroke unit

  • time to MT after a transfer from the nearest stroke unit to the MT unit

  • time to IVT when travelling directly to the MT unit

  • time to MT when travelling directly to the MT unit

In the UK most of the stroke units will provide thrombolysis but not thrombectomy. Some patients will live nearest to an MT unit and so both of their sets of times will be identical. For most patients though, the time to IVT will be longer if travelling to the MT unit because the unit is further away than their nearest unit. The time to MT is usually longer if a transfer is required than if the patient went directly to the MT unit to start with, partly because the patient spends more time travelling between units and partly because there are delays in getting the patient ready to travel between hospitals.

We can then feed these treatment times into the stroke outcome model. This will give us two sets of outcomes for patients in each LSOA in England and Wales: one set for patients who travel directly to the nearest stroke unit, and a second set for patients who travel directly to the MT centre.


Calculate outcomes after treatment for these cohorts:

  • nLVO with IVT

  • LVO with IVT only

  • LVO with MT only

  • LVO with both IVT and MT

Calculate outcomes after treatment for these timings:

  • IVT at the nearest stroke unit

  • MT after transfer to the MT unit

  • IVT after redirection to the MT unit

  • MT after redirection to the MT unit

Then save the outcome data to file for later use.

Two sets of outcomes will be saved:

  • population-averaged added utility, shift in mean mRS, proportion with mRS<=2

  • mRS distribution after treatment


The travel times are calculated from each LSOA centroid to the location of each stroke unit.

Travel times are estimated using Open Street Map[1], accessed by routino [2].



  • load in stroke-map package

  • Calculate travel time from each LSOA to its nearest acute stroke unit and to its nearest unit providing thrombectomy

  • Add on fixed pathway timings (onset to call, ambulance on scene, door-in-door-out etc.) to find time to thrombolysis and time to thrombectomy

  • Feed treatment times into the outcome model to find outcomes for each patient subgroup at those treatment times.

Load packages#

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy
import os

import warnings
dir_output = 'output'
# Adjust max rows to show
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 100)
import stroke_maps
import stroke_outcome

import stroke_outcome.outcome_utilities
import stroke_maps.load_data
import stroke_maps.catchment

from stroke_outcome.continuous_outcome import Continuous_outcome

Global variables to use#

limit_to_england = False

# File name for saved results
file_name = 'lsoa_base'

Load and parse data#

Load and parse hospital data#

# Get list of hopsitals and limit to those used in 2022
hospitals = stroke_maps.load_data.stroke_unit_region_lookup()
hospitals['use'] = hospitals[['use_ivt', 'use_mt']].max(axis=1)
mask = hospitals['use'] == 1
hospitals = hospitals[mask]
if limit_to_england:
    mask = hospitals['country'] == 'England'
    hospitals = hospitals[mask]
stroke_team short_code ssnap_name use_ivt use_mt use_msu transfer_unit_postcode lsoa lsoa_code region region_code region_type country icb icb_code isdn use
SY231ER Bronglais Hospital (Aberystwyth) AB Bronglais Hospital 1 0 0 nearest Ceredigion 002A W01000512 Hywel Dda University Health Board W11000025 LHB Wales NaN NaN NaN 1
CB20QQ Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge AD Addenbrooke's Hospital 1 1 1 nearest Cambridge 013D E01017995 NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB - 06H E38000260 SICBL England NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated... E54000056 East of England (South) 1
L97AL University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool AI University Hospital Aintree 1 1 1 nearest Liverpool 005A E01006654 NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB - 99A E38000101 SICBL England NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board E54000008 Cheshire and Merseyside 1
CH495PE Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral AR Wirral Arrowe Park Hospital 1 0 0 nearest Wirral 025B E01007251 NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB - 12F E38000208 SICBL England NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board E54000008 Cheshire and Merseyside 1
BA13NG Royal United Hospital Bath BA Royal United Hospital Bath 1 0 0 nearest Bath and North East Somerset 008B E01014428 NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and ... E38000231 SICBL England NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and ... E54000040 Gloucester, BSW, BNSSG and Somerset 1

Find LSOA-hospital travel time#

travel_matrix = stroke_maps.load_data.travel_time_matrix_lsoa()

# Show the first five rows and columns:
travel_matrix.iloc[:5, :5]
B152TH B714HJ B95SS BA13NG BA214AT
Adur 001A 173.3 179.8 171.2 161.5 152.9
Adur 001B 173.3 179.8 172.3 161.5 152.9
Adur 001C 173.3 180.9 172.3 150.8 151.9
Adur 001D 173.3 180.9 172.3 161.5 152.9
Adur 001E 174.4 180.9 173.3 150.8 151.9
# Limit LSOAs to England if required.
# Only keep LSOAs that are matched to the SICBL region type.
# SICBL are for England and LHB are for Wales.
if limit_to_england:
    # Load the LSOA-region lookup data:
    df_lsoa_regions = stroke_maps.load_data.lsoa_region_lookup()
    df_regions = stroke_maps.load_data.region_lookup()
    # Merge the ISDN names into the LSOA-region lookup:
    df_lsoa_regions = pd.merge(
        df_regions.reset_index()[['region_code', 'isdn']],
        on='region_code', how='left'
    # Pick out the names of LSOA contained within SICBL:
    england_lsoa = df_lsoa_regions.loc[df_lsoa_regions['region_type'] == 'SICBL', 'lsoa']
    # Limit the travel matrix to only those LSOA:
    travel_matrix_mask = travel_matrix.index.isin(england_lsoa)
    travel_matrix = travel_matrix.loc[travel_matrix_mask].copy()
# Identify closest IVT unit
ivt_hospitals = list(hospitals[hospitals['use_ivt'] == 1].index)
df_catchment_ivt = stroke_maps.catchment.find_nearest_unit(travel_matrix[ivt_hospitals])

unit_travel_time unit_postcode
Adur 001A 17.6 BN25BE
Adur 001B 18.7 BN25BE
Adur 001C 17.6 BN112DH
# Identify closest MT unit
mt_hospitals = list(hospitals[hospitals['use_mt'] == 1].index)
df_catchment_mt = stroke_maps.catchment.find_nearest_unit(travel_matrix[mt_hospitals])

unit_travel_time unit_postcode
Adur 001A 17.6 BN25BE
Adur 001B 18.7 BN25BE
Adur 001C 19.8 BN25BE

Find inter-hospital travel time#

df_transfer = stroke_maps.catchment.calculate_transfer_units(hospitals)

transfer_unit_travel_time transfer_unit_postcode
SY231ER 135.8 CF144XW
CB20QQ 0.0 CB20QQ
L97AL 0.0 L97AL

Gather travel time information#

# Copy over IVT unit info:
df_pathway = df_catchment_ivt.copy()
df_pathway = df_pathway.rename(columns={
    'unit_travel_time': 'closest_ivt_time',
    'unit_postcode': 'closest_ivt_unit'

# Merge in MT unit info:
df_pathway = pd.merge(
    df_pathway, df_catchment_mt,
    left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left'
df_pathway = df_pathway.rename(columns={
    'unit_travel_time': 'closest_mt_time',
    'unit_postcode': 'closest_mt_unit'

# Merge in transfer unit info:
df_pathway = pd.merge(
    df_pathway, df_transfer,
    left_on='closest_ivt_unit', right_index=True, how='left'
df_pathway = df_pathway.rename(columns={
    'transfer_unit_travel_time': 'transfer_mt_time',
    'transfer_unit_postcode': 'transfer_mt_unit'

# Is a transfer required?
df_pathway['mt_transfer_required'] = (
    df_pathway['closest_ivt_unit'] != df_pathway['closest_mt_unit'])

Add on stroke pathway timings#

onset_to_ambulance_arrival = 60
arrival_to_ivt = 30
arrival_to_mt = 90
net_operational_delay_to_mt_for_transfer = 60
# Drip-and-ship:
df_pathway['ivt_drip_ship'] = (
    onset_to_ambulance_arrival +
    df_pathway['closest_ivt_time'] +
df_pathway['mt_drip_ship'] = (   
    onset_to_ambulance_arrival +
    df_pathway['closest_ivt_time'] + 
    # The times in the following line are only added on if a transfer is required:
    ((net_operational_delay_to_mt_for_transfer + df_pathway['transfer_mt_time']) * df_pathway['mt_transfer_required']) +

# Mothership:
df_pathway['ivt_mothership'] = (
    onset_to_ambulance_arrival +
    df_pathway['closest_mt_time'] +
df_pathway['mt_mothership'] = (
    onset_to_ambulance_arrival +
    df_pathway['closest_mt_time'] +
# Show df_pathway
LSOA Adur 001A Adur 001B Adur 001C Adur 001D Adur 001E
closest_ivt_time 17.6 18.7 17.6 17.6 16.5
closest_ivt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN112DH BN112DH BN112DH
closest_mt_time 17.6 18.7 19.8 19.8 19.8
closest_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
transfer_mt_time 0.0 0.0 31.6 31.6 31.6
transfer_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
mt_transfer_required False False True True True
ivt_drip_ship 107.6 108.7 107.6 107.6 106.5
mt_drip_ship 167.6 168.7 259.2 259.2 258.1
ivt_mothership 107.6 108.7 109.8 109.8 109.8
mt_mothership 167.6 168.7 169.8 169.8 169.8

Calculate outcomes#

Calculate the proportion mRS<=2 in the no-treatment population.

mrs_dists, mrs_dists_notes = stroke_outcome.outcome_utilities.import_mrs_dists_from_file()
mRS<=0 mRS<=1 mRS<=2 mRS<=3 mRS<=4 mRS<=5 mRS<=6
Stroke type
pre_stroke_nlvo 0.583 0.746 0.850 0.951 0.993 1.000 1
pre_stroke_lvo 0.408 0.552 0.672 0.838 0.956 1.000 1
no_treatment_lvo 0.050 0.129 0.265 0.429 0.676 0.811 1
no_treatment_nlvo 0.198 0.460 0.580 0.708 0.856 0.918 1
no_effect_nlvo_ivt_deaths 0.196 0.455 0.574 0.701 0.847 0.908 1
no_effect_lvo_ivt_deaths 0.048 0.124 0.255 0.414 0.653 0.783 1
no_effect_lvo_mt_deaths 0.048 0.124 0.255 0.412 0.649 0.779 1
t0_treatment_nlvo_ivt 0.445 0.642 0.752 0.862 0.941 0.967 1
t0_treatment_lvo_ivt 0.140 0.233 0.361 0.522 0.730 0.838 1
t0_treatment_lvo_mt 0.306 0.429 0.548 0.707 0.851 0.915 1
no_treatment_nlvo_mrsleq2 = mrs_dists.loc['no_treatment_nlvo', 'mRS<=2']
no_treatment_lvo_mrsleq2 = mrs_dists.loc['no_treatment_lvo', 'mRS<=2']
# Set up outcome model
outcome_model = Continuous_outcome()
patient_cohorts = {
    'nlvo_ivt': {
        'stroke_type_code': 1,
        'ivt_chosen_bool': 1,
        'mt_chosen_bool': 0,
    'lvo_ivt': {
        'stroke_type_code': 2,
        'ivt_chosen_bool': 1,
        'mt_chosen_bool': 0,
    'lvo_ivt_mt': {
        'stroke_type_code': 2,
        'ivt_chosen_bool': 1,
        'mt_chosen_bool': 1,
    'lvo_mt': {
        'stroke_type_code': 2,
        'ivt_chosen_bool': 0,
        'mt_chosen_bool': 1,
df_patients = pd.DataFrame()

# Store averaged outcomes in here:
df_results = pd.DataFrame()

# Store mRS distributions in here:
df_mrs = pd.DataFrame()

for model_name in ['drip_ship', 'mothership']:
    df_patients['onset_to_needle_mins'] = df_pathway[f'ivt_{model_name}']
    df_patients['onset_to_puncture_mins'] = df_pathway[f'mt_{model_name}']

    # df_results[f'{model_name}_onset_to_needle_mins'] = df_patients['onset_to_needle_mins'].copy()
    # df_results[f'{model_name}_onset_to_puncture_mins'] = df_patients['onset_to_puncture_mins'].copy()
    for cohort_name, cohort_dict in patient_cohorts.items():
        # Assign patient details:
        df_patients['stroke_type_code'] = cohort_dict['stroke_type_code']
        df_patients['ivt_chosen_bool'] = cohort_dict['ivt_chosen_bool']
        df_patients['mt_chosen_bool'] = cohort_dict['mt_chosen_bool']
        # Run outcomes:
        # Calculate outcomes:
        patient_data_dict, outcomes_by_stroke_type, full_cohort_outcomes = (
        # Make a copy of the results:
        outcomes_by_stroke_type = copy.copy(outcomes_by_stroke_type)
        full_cohort_outcomes = copy.copy(full_cohort_outcomes)
        # Place the relevant results into the results dataframe.
        # Round them to 5 decimal places which should be plenty.
        df_results[f'{model_name}_{cohort_name}_added_utility'] = np.round(
            full_cohort_outcomes['each_patient_utility_shift'], 5)
        df_results[f'{model_name}_{cohort_name}_mean_mrs'] = np.round(
            full_cohort_outcomes['each_patient_mrs_post_stroke'], 5)
        df_results[f'{model_name}_{cohort_name}_mrs_less_equal_2'] = np.round(
            full_cohort_outcomes['each_patient_mrs_dist_post_stroke'][:, 2], 5)
        df_results[f'{model_name}_{cohort_name}_mrs_shift'] = np.round(
            full_cohort_outcomes['each_patient_mrs_shift'], 5)        

        # Calculate the shift in the proportion mRS<=2
        # compared with the no-treatment population.
        if cohort_dict['stroke_type_code'] == 1:
            no_treatment_mrsleq2 = no_treatment_nlvo_mrsleq2
            no_treatment_mrsleq2 = no_treatment_lvo_mrsleq2

        # Round the results again to avoid floating point errors.
        df_results[f'{model_name}_{cohort_name}_added_mrs_less_equal_2'] = (
                df_results[f'{model_name}_{cohort_name}_mrs_less_equal_2'] -
            ), 5))

        # Copy over the mRS distributions:
        # # One list of mRS values per row (patient) in the data.
        outs = full_cohort_outcomes['each_patient_mrs_dist_post_stroke'].copy()
        outs = np.round(outs, 5).tolist()
        df_mrs[[f'{model_name}_{cohort_name}_mrs_dists_{i}' for i in range(7)]] = outs

Merge the outcome results into the travel time dataframe:

df_results.index = df_pathway.index
df_results = pd.concat((df_pathway, df_results), axis='columns')
LSOA Adur 001A Adur 001B Adur 001C Adur 001D Adur 001E
closest_ivt_time 17.6 18.7 17.6 17.6 16.5
closest_ivt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN112DH BN112DH BN112DH
closest_mt_time 17.6 18.7 19.8 19.8 19.8
closest_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
transfer_mt_time 0.0 0.0 31.6 31.6 31.6
transfer_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
mt_transfer_required False False True True True
ivt_drip_ship 107.6 108.7 107.6 107.6 106.5
mt_drip_ship 167.6 168.7 259.2 259.2 258.1
ivt_mothership 107.6 108.7 109.8 109.8 109.8
mt_mothership 167.6 168.7 169.8 169.8 169.8
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_added_utility 0.11685 0.11641 0.11685 0.11685 0.1173
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mean_mrs 1.63653 1.63913 1.63653 1.63653 1.63394
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.70649 0.706 0.70649 0.70649 0.70698
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.64347 -0.64087 -0.64347 -0.64347 -0.64606
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.12649 0.126 0.12649 0.12649 0.12698
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_added_utility 0.05872 0.05841 0.05872 0.05872 0.05902
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mean_mrs 3.34655 3.34823 3.34655 3.34655 3.34487
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.32879 0.32847 0.32879 0.32879 0.32911
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.29345 -0.29177 -0.29345 -0.29345 -0.29513
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.06379 0.06347 0.06379 0.06379 0.06411
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.10928 0.10928 0.10992
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 3.10174 3.10174 3.09835
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.37981 0.37981 0.38049
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.53826 -0.53826 -0.54165
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.11481 0.11481 0.11549
drip_ship_lvo_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.10928 0.10928 0.10992
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 3.10174 3.10174 3.09835
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.37981 0.37981 0.38049
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.53826 -0.53826 -0.54165
drip_ship_lvo_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.11481 0.11481 0.11549
mothership_nlvo_ivt_added_utility 0.11685 0.11641 0.11596 0.11596 0.11596
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mean_mrs 1.63653 1.63913 1.64173 1.64173 1.64173
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.70649 0.706 0.70551 0.70551 0.70551
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.64347 -0.64087 -0.63827 -0.63827 -0.63827
mothership_nlvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.12649 0.126 0.12551 0.12551 0.12551
mothership_lvo_ivt_added_utility 0.05872 0.05841 0.05811 0.05811 0.05811
mothership_lvo_ivt_mean_mrs 3.34655 3.34823 3.3499 3.3499 3.3499
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.32879 0.32847 0.32815 0.32815 0.32815
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.29345 -0.29177 -0.2901 -0.2901 -0.2901
mothership_lvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.06379 0.06347 0.06315 0.06315 0.06315
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.16229 0.16229 0.16229
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 2.81852 2.81852 2.81852
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.43664 0.43664 0.43664
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.82148 -0.82148 -0.82148
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.17164 0.17164 0.17164
mothership_lvo_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.16229 0.16229 0.16229
mothership_lvo_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 2.81852 2.81852 2.81852
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.43664 0.43664 0.43664
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.82148 -0.82148 -0.82148
mothership_lvo_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.17164 0.17164 0.17164
df_mrs.index = df_pathway.index
df_mrs = pd.concat((df_pathway, df_mrs), axis='columns')
LSOA Adur 001A Adur 001B Adur 001C Adur 001D Adur 001E
closest_ivt_time 17.6 18.7 17.6 17.6 16.5
closest_ivt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN112DH BN112DH BN112DH
closest_mt_time 17.6 18.7 19.8 19.8 19.8
closest_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
transfer_mt_time 0.0 0.0 31.6 31.6 31.6
transfer_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
mt_transfer_required False False True True True
ivt_drip_ship 107.6 108.7 107.6 107.6 106.5
mt_drip_ship 167.6 168.7 259.2 259.2 258.1
ivt_mothership 107.6 108.7 109.8 109.8 109.8
mt_mothership 167.6 168.7 169.8 169.8 169.8
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_0 0.36359 0.36279 0.36359 0.36359 0.3644
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_1 0.59059 0.59006 0.59059 0.59059 0.59113
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_2 0.70649 0.706 0.70649 0.70649 0.70698
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_3 0.82535 0.82494 0.82535 0.82535 0.82577
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_4 0.92188 0.92166 0.92188 0.92188 0.9221
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_5 0.95555 0.95542 0.95555 0.95555 0.95568
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_0 0.10443 0.10411 0.10443 0.10443 0.10475
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_1 0.19642 0.19607 0.19642 0.19642 0.19677
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_2 0.32879 0.32847 0.32879 0.32879 0.32911
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_3 0.49102 0.49071 0.49102 0.49102 0.49134
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_4 0.70919 0.70898 0.70919 0.70919 0.70941
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_5 0.82359 0.82344 0.82359 0.82359 0.82375
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_0 0.17136 0.17065 0.12027 0.12027 0.1208
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_1 0.29552 0.29472 0.23375 0.23375 0.23443
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.37981 0.37981 0.38049
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_3 0.61042 0.60975 0.55308 0.55308 0.55378
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_4 0.79391 0.79349 0.75647 0.75647 0.75695
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_5 0.87937 0.8791 0.85488 0.85488 0.8552
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_0 0.17136 0.17065 0.12027 0.12027 0.1208
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_1 0.29552 0.29472 0.23375 0.23375 0.23443
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.37981 0.37981 0.38049
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_3 0.61042 0.60975 0.55308 0.55308 0.55378
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_4 0.79391 0.79349 0.75647 0.75647 0.75695
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_5 0.87937 0.8791 0.85488 0.85488 0.8552
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_0 0.36359 0.36279 0.36199 0.36199 0.36199
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_1 0.59059 0.59006 0.58952 0.58952 0.58952
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_2 0.70649 0.706 0.70551 0.70551 0.70551
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_3 0.82535 0.82494 0.82453 0.82453 0.82453
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_4 0.92188 0.92166 0.92144 0.92144 0.92144
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_5 0.95555 0.95542 0.95528 0.95528 0.95528
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_0 0.10443 0.10411 0.1038 0.1038 0.1038
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_1 0.19642 0.19607 0.19572 0.19572 0.19572
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_2 0.32879 0.32847 0.32815 0.32815 0.32815
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_3 0.49102 0.49071 0.49039 0.49039 0.49039
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_4 0.70919 0.70898 0.70876 0.70876 0.70876
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_5 0.82359 0.82344 0.82329 0.82329 0.82329
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_0 0.17136 0.17065 0.16995 0.16995 0.16995
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_1 0.29552 0.29472 0.29393 0.29393 0.29393
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.43664 0.43664 0.43664
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_3 0.61042 0.60975 0.60907 0.60907 0.60907
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_4 0.79391 0.79349 0.79306 0.79306 0.79306
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_5 0.87937 0.8791 0.87882 0.87882 0.87882
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_0 0.17136 0.17065 0.16995 0.16995 0.16995
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_1 0.29552 0.29472 0.29393 0.29393 0.29393
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.43664 0.43664 0.43664
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_3 0.61042 0.60975 0.60907 0.60907 0.60907
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_4 0.79391 0.79349 0.79306 0.79306 0.79306
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_5 0.87937 0.8791 0.87882 0.87882 0.87882
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_dists_6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Save results to file#

df_results.to_csv(os.path.join(dir_output, 'cohort_outcomes.csv'))
df_mrs.to_csv(os.path.join(dir_output, 'cohort_mrs_dists.csv'))

Calculate summary stats for the outcomes:

summary = np.round(df_results.mean(axis=0).T, 5)
summary.to_csv(os.path.join(dir_output, 'cohort_outcomes_summary.csv'), index_label='lsoa')
closest_ivt_time                                 19.54818
closest_mt_time                                  34.93931
transfer_mt_time                                 27.50945
mt_transfer_required                              0.67510
ivt_drip_ship                                   109.54818
mt_drip_ship                                    237.56350
ivt_mothership                                  124.93931
mt_mothership                                   184.93931
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_added_utility                  0.11605
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mean_mrs                       1.64118
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2               0.70561
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_shift                     -0.63882
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2         0.12561
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_added_utility                   0.05818
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mean_mrs                        3.34948
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2                0.32822
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_shift                      -0.29052
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2          0.06322
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_added_utility                0.12224
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mean_mrs                     3.03180
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_less_equal_2             0.39381
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_shift                   -0.60820
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2       0.12881
drip_ship_lvo_mt_added_utility                    0.12223
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mean_mrs                         3.03199
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_less_equal_2                 0.39379
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_shift                       -0.60801
drip_ship_lvo_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2           0.12879
mothership_nlvo_ivt_added_utility                 0.10969
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mean_mrs                      1.67795
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2              0.69864
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_shift                    -0.60205
mothership_nlvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2        0.11864
mothership_lvo_ivt_added_utility                  0.05395
mothership_lvo_ivt_mean_mrs                       3.37261
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2               0.32377
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_shift                     -0.26739
mothership_lvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2         0.05877
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_added_utility               0.15326
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mean_mrs                    2.86715
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_less_equal_2            0.42692
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_shift                  -0.77285
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2      0.16192
mothership_lvo_mt_added_utility                   0.15326
mothership_lvo_mt_mean_mrs                        2.86715
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_less_equal_2                0.42692
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_shift                      -0.77285
mothership_lvo_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2          0.16192
dtype: float64


We have calculated all of the outcome data for the separate cohorts and for both the drip-and-ship and mothership scenarios.

The next notebooks combine the cohorts to find the average results for a mixed population.