Mapping outcomes#

This notebook creates maps of England and Wales to show the variation in outcomes from the different scenarios calculated earlier.

Plain English summary#

This notebook takes the outcome data we saved earlier and creates maps of England and Wales.


Create maps to show:

  • change in added utility compared with no treatment

  • change in mean mRS score compared with no treatment

  • change in proportion of the population with an mRS score of 2 or less

for each of these cohorts:

  • nLVO treated with IVT

  • LVO treated with mixed methods

  • the treated ischaemic population

for each of these scenarios:

  • drip-and-ship

  • mothership


We load LSOA shapes from the Office for National Statistics and merge this geography data into the outcome data. Then we draw the shape of each LSOA with a colour that depends on the outcome value. All of the LSOAs on a map use the same range of colours so that they can be directly compared.

Import packages#

# import contextily as ctx
import geopandas
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

# For plotting:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

import stroke_maps.load_data
import stroke_maps.catchment
import stroke_maps.geo  # to make catchment area geometry

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 150)
dir_output = 'output'
limit_to_england = False

Load data#

Load shape file#

lsoa_gdf = stroke_maps.load_data.lsoa_geography()
lsoa_gdf = lsoa_gdf.to_crs('EPSG:27700')

OBJECTID LSOA11CD LSOA11NM LSOA11NMW BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID geometry
0 1 E01000001 City of London 001A City of London 001A 532129 181625 -0.09706 51.51810 157794.481079 1685.391778 b12173a3-5423-4672-a5eb-f152d2345f96 POLYGON ((532282.642 181906.500, 532248.262 18...
1 2 E01000002 City of London 001B City of London 001B 532480 181699 -0.09197 51.51868 164882.427628 1804.828196 90274dc4-f785-4afb-95cd-7cc1fc9a2cad POLYGON ((532746.826 181786.896, 532248.262 18...
2 3 E01000003 City of London 001C City of London 001C 532245 182036 -0.09523 51.52176 42219.805717 909.223277 7e89d0ba-f186-45fb-961c-8f5ffcd03808 POLYGON ((532293.080 182068.426, 532419.605 18...
# Load country outline
if limit_to_england:
    outline = stroke_maps.load_data.england_outline()
    outline = stroke_maps.load_data.englandwales_outline()
country OBJECTID ctry11cd ctry11cdo ctry11nm ctry11nmw GlobalID geometry
0 0 1 E92000001 921 England Lloegr 27bbf7ca-99bd-4fe8-87a1-d498d48e3084 MULTIPOLYGON (((83994.599 5397.099, 84001.300 ...

Load hospital info#

Load in the stroke unit coordinates and merge in the services information:

df_units = stroke_maps.load_data.stroke_unit_region_lookup()

postcode SY231ER CB20QQ L97AL
stroke_team Bronglais Hospital (Aberystwyth) Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool
short_code AB AD AI
ssnap_name Bronglais Hospital Addenbrooke's Hospital University Hospital Aintree
use_ivt 1 1 1
use_mt 0 1 1
use_msu 0 1 1
transfer_unit_postcode nearest nearest nearest
lsoa Ceredigion 002A Cambridge 013D Liverpool 005A
lsoa_code W01000512 E01017995 E01006654
region Hywel Dda University Health Board NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB - 06H NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB - 99A
region_code W11000025 E38000260 E38000101
region_type LHB SICBL SICBL
country Wales England England
icb NaN NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated... NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board
icb_code NaN E54000056 E54000008
isdn NaN East of England (South) Cheshire and Merseyside
hospitals_gdf = stroke_maps.load_data.stroke_unit_coordinates()
hospitals_gdf = pd.merge(
    hospitals_gdf, df_units[['use_ivt', 'use_mt']],
    left_index=True, right_index=True, how='right'
BNG_E BNG_N Latitude Longitude geometry use_ivt use_mt
SY231ER 259208 281805 52.416068 -4.071578 POINT (259208.000 281805.000) 1 0
CB20QQ 546375 254988 52.173741 0.139114 POINT (546375.000 254988.000) 1 1
L97AL 338020 397205 53.467918 -2.935131 POINT (338020.000 397205.000) 1 1

Load LSOA model output data#

lsoa_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir_output, 'cohort_outcomes_weighted.csv'))
0 1 2
lsoa Adur 001A Adur 001B Adur 001C
closest_ivt_time 17.6 18.7 17.6
closest_ivt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN112DH
closest_mt_time 17.6 18.7 19.8
closest_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
transfer_mt_time 0.0 0.0 31.6
transfer_mt_unit BN25BE BN25BE BN25BE
mt_transfer_required False False True
ivt_drip_ship 107.6 108.7 107.6
mt_drip_ship 167.6 168.7 259.2
ivt_mothership 107.6 108.7 109.8
mt_mothership 167.6 168.7 169.8
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_added_utility 0.11685 0.11641 0.11685
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mean_mrs 1.63653 1.63913 1.63653
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.70649 0.706 0.70649
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.64347 -0.64087 -0.64347
drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.12649 0.126 0.12649
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_added_utility 0.05872 0.05841 0.05872
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mean_mrs 3.34655 3.34823 3.34655
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.32879 0.32847 0.32879
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.29345 -0.29177 -0.29345
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.06379 0.06347 0.06379
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.10928
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 3.10174
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.37981
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.53826
drip_ship_lvo_ivt_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.11481
drip_ship_lvo_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.10928
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 3.10174
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.37981
drip_ship_lvo_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.53826
drip_ship_lvo_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.11481
mothership_nlvo_ivt_added_utility 0.11685 0.11641 0.11596
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mean_mrs 1.63653 1.63913 1.64173
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.70649 0.706 0.70551
mothership_nlvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.64347 -0.64087 -0.63827
mothership_nlvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.12649 0.126 0.12551
mothership_lvo_ivt_added_utility 0.05872 0.05841 0.05811
mothership_lvo_ivt_mean_mrs 3.34655 3.34823 3.3499
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.32879 0.32847 0.32815
mothership_lvo_ivt_mrs_shift -0.29345 -0.29177 -0.2901
mothership_lvo_ivt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.06379 0.06347 0.06315
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.16229
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 2.81852
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.43664
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.82148
mothership_lvo_ivt_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.17164
mothership_lvo_mt_added_utility 0.16361 0.16295 0.16229
mothership_lvo_mt_mean_mrs 2.81136 2.81494 2.81852
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_less_equal_2 0.43807 0.43736 0.43664
mothership_lvo_mt_mrs_shift -0.82864 -0.82506 -0.82148
mothership_lvo_mt_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.17307 0.17236 0.17164
drip_ship_lvo_mix_added_utility 0.15548 0.15485 0.10536
drip_ship_lvo_mix_mrs_less_equal_2 0.4296 0.42892 0.37586
drip_ship_lvo_mix_mrs_shift -0.78717 -0.78373 -0.51929
drip_ship_lvo_mix_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.1646 0.16392 0.11086
mothership_lvo_mix_added_utility 0.15548 0.15485 0.15422
mothership_lvo_mix_mrs_less_equal_2 0.4296 0.42892 0.42823
mothership_lvo_mix_mrs_shift -0.78717 -0.78373 -0.7803
mothership_lvo_mix_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.1646 0.16392 0.16323
drip_ship_weighted_added_utility 0.03392 0.03379 0.02764
drip_ship_weighted_mrs_less_equal_2 0.14107 0.14092 0.13432
drip_ship_weighted_mrs_shift -0.17815 -0.1774 -0.14454
drip_ship_weighted_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.03626 0.03611 0.02951
mothership_weighted_added_utility 0.03392 0.03379 0.03366
mothership_weighted_mrs_less_equal_2 0.14107 0.14092 0.14077
mothership_weighted_mrs_shift -0.17815 -0.1774 -0.17665
mothership_weighted_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.03626 0.03611 0.03597
drip_ship_weighted_treated_added_utility 0.13633 0.13579 0.11106
drip_ship_weighted_treated_mrs_less_equal_2 0.56689 0.5663 0.53979
drip_ship_weighted_treated_mrs_shift -0.71592 -0.7129 -0.58086
drip_ship_weighted_treated_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.14571 0.14512 0.11861
mothership_weighted_treated_added_utility 0.13633 0.13579 0.13525
mothership_weighted_treated_mrs_less_equal_2 0.56689 0.5663 0.56571
mothership_weighted_treated_mrs_shift -0.71592 -0.7129 -0.70988
mothership_weighted_treated_added_mrs_less_equal_2 0.14571 0.14512 0.14453
# Merge with shape file

lsoa_data_gdf = lsoa_gdf.merge(lsoa_data, left_on='LSOA11NM', right_on='lsoa', how='right')
OBJECTID LSOA11CD LSOA11NM LSOA11NMW BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length ... mothership_weighted_mrs_shift mothership_weighted_added_mrs_less_equal_2 drip_ship_weighted_treated_added_utility drip_ship_weighted_treated_mrs_less_equal_2 drip_ship_weighted_treated_mrs_shift drip_ship_weighted_treated_added_mrs_less_equal_2 mothership_weighted_treated_added_utility mothership_weighted_treated_mrs_less_equal_2 mothership_weighted_treated_mrs_shift mothership_weighted_treated_added_mrs_less_equal_2
0 30557.0 E01031349 Adur 001A Adur 001A 524915.0 105607.0 -0.22737 50.83651 3.641032e+05 3054.751704 ... -0.17815 0.03626 0.13633 0.56689 -0.71592 0.14571 0.13633 0.56689 -0.71592 0.14571
1 30558.0 E01031350 Adur 001B Adur 001B 524825.0 106265.0 -0.22842 50.84244 2.921732e+05 2977.102897 ... -0.17740 0.03611 0.13579 0.56630 -0.71290 0.14512 0.13579 0.56630 -0.71290 0.14512
2 30559.0 E01031351 Adur 001C Adur 001C 523053.0 108004.0 -0.25300 50.85845 5.281768e+06 11671.349143 ... -0.17665 0.03597 0.11106 0.53979 -0.58086 0.11861 0.13525 0.56571 -0.70988 0.14453
3 30560.0 E01031352 Adur 001D Adur 001D 524141.0 106299.0 -0.23812 50.84290 2.452292e+05 2134.908586 ... -0.17665 0.03597 0.11106 0.53979 -0.58086 0.11861 0.13525 0.56571 -0.70988 0.14453
4 30578.0 E01031370 Adur 001E Adur 001E 523561.0 105916.0 -0.24649 50.83958 2.402445e+05 2447.096939 ... -0.17665 0.03597 0.11159 0.54036 -0.58379 0.11918 0.13525 0.56571 -0.70988 0.14453

5 rows × 88 columns

Calculate difference between Mothership and Drip and Ship#

cohort_names = ['nlvo_ivt', 'lvo_mix', 'weighted_treated']

outcome_names = ['added_utility', 'added_mrs_less_equal_2', 'mrs_shift']
cols_diff = [f'{c}_{o}_mothership_minus_dripship' for c in cohort_names for o in outcome_names]
cols_moth = [f'mothership_{c}_{o}' for c in cohort_names for o in outcome_names]
cols_drip = [f'drip_ship_{c}_{o}' for c in cohort_names for o in outcome_names]

lsoa_data_gdf[cols_diff] = lsoa_data_gdf[cols_moth].values - lsoa_data_gdf[cols_drip].values

Basic plot#

col = 'drip_ship_nlvo_ivt_added_utility'

# Figure setup:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

# Plot data
    ax=ax,             # Set which axes to use for plot
    column=col,        # Column to apply colour
    antialiased=False, # Avoids artefact boundry lines
    edgecolor='face',  # Make LSOA boundary same colour as area
    # Adjust size of colourmap key, and add label
    legend_kwds={'shrink':0.5, 'label':col},
    legend=True,       # Set to display legend

# Add country border
outline.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='k', facecolor='None', linewidth=1.0)

# Add hospitals
mask = hospitals_gdf['use_ivt'] == 1
hospitals_gdf[mask].plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='k', facecolor='w', markersize=40, marker='o')
mask = hospitals_gdf['use_mt'] == 1
hospitals_gdf[mask].plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='k', facecolor='r', markersize=40, marker='o')


Define functions#

These functions find shared colour limits across multiple columns of data:

def find_vlims_scenarios(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts):
    scenarios = ['drip_ship', 'mothership']
    # Colour limits for separate scenarios:
    cols = [f'{s}_{c}_{data_field}' for s in scenarios for c in cohorts]
    # Find maximum of data
    vmin = np.min([lsoa_data_gdf[col].min() for col in cols])
    vmax = np.max([lsoa_data_gdf[col].max() for col in cols])
    return vmin, vmax

def find_vlims_diff(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts):
    # Colour limits for difference maps:
    cols = [f'{c}_{data_field}_mothership_minus_dripship' for c in cohorts]
    # Find absolute maximum of data extent
    vmax = np.max((np.abs([lsoa_data_gdf[col].min() for col in cols]),
                   np.abs([lsoa_data_gdf[col].max() for col in cols])))
    vmin = -vmax
    return vmin, vmax

This function plots the maps:

def plot_data(axs, cax, cax_diff, axs_cols, axs_params, colour_params):
    for row in range(len(axs_cols)):
        for col in range(len(axs_cols[row])):
            # Axis to plot on:
            ax = axs[row, col]
            # Data information:
            col_data = axs_cols[row][col]
            # Colour information:
            colour_params_type = axs_params[row][col]
            params = colour_params[colour_params_type]
            cbar_ax = cax if colour_params_type == 'shared' else cax_diff
            # Plot data
                column=col_data,      # Column to apply colour
                antialiased=False,    # Avoids artefact boundry lines
                edgecolor='face',     # Make LSOA boundry same colour as area
                vmin=params['vmin'],  # Manual scale min (remove to make automatic)
                vmax=params['vmax'],  # Manual scale max (remove to make automatic)
                cmap=params['cmap'],  # Colour map to use
                # Adjust size of colourmap key, and add label
                legend_kwds={'shrink':0.5, 'label':params['cbar_label']},
                legend=True,          # Set to display legend

These functions set up the figure and standard formatting across all axes:

def set_up_fig_nine():
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 18))

    # Set up GridSpec so that each map subplot takes up two gs subplots
    # in height. This lets the shared colourbar sit midway up two
    # subplots instead of being offset or twice the height of the other.
    gs = GridSpec(7, 4, width_ratios=[1, 1, 1, 0.05], wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0)
    axs = np.array([
        [plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 0]), plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 1]), plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 2])],
        [plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 0]), plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 1]), plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 2])],
        [plt.subplot(gs[4:6, 0]), plt.subplot(gs[4:6, 1]), plt.subplot(gs[4:6, 2])],
    cax = plt.subplot(gs[1:3, -1])
    cax_diff = plt.subplot(gs[4:6, -1])
    return fig, axs, cax, cax_diff

def set_up_axis_and_extras(ax, outline, hospitals_gdf):
    # Add country border
    outline.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='k', facecolor='None', linewidth=1.0)
    # Add hospitals
    mask = hospitals_gdf['use_ivt'] == 1
    hospitals_gdf[mask].plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='k', facecolor='w', markersize=40, marker='o')
    mask = hospitals_gdf['use_mt'] == 1
    hospitals_gdf[mask].plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='k', facecolor='r', markersize=40, marker='o')

    # ax.set_axis_off() # Turn of axis line and numbers
    for spine in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']:

    # Tighten map around mainland England and Wales
    return ax

This function makes the plots for nine maps together:

def plot_nine(
    fig, axs, cax, cax_diff = set_up_fig_nine()

    plot_data(axs, cax, cax_diff, axs_cols, axs_params, colour_params)

    for ax in axs.flatten():
        ax = set_up_axis_and_extras(ax, outline, hospitals_gdf)

    for i, row_title in enumerate(row_titles):
        axs[i, 0].set_ylabel(row_title, rotation=0, fontsize=14, labelpad=50.0)#, ha='right')
    for i, col_title in enumerate(col_titles):
        axs[0, i].set_xlabel(col_title, fontsize=14)
        axs[0, i].xaxis.set_label_position('top')
    if len(savename) > 0:
        plt.savefig(savename, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

Draw the plots#

Settings for the nine-in-one plot:

col_titles = ['nLVO', 'LVO', 'Treated ischaemic population']
row_titles = ['Drip and ship', 'Mothership', 'Advantage of\n mothership']

cohorts = ['nlvo_ivt', 'lvo_mix', 'weighted_treated']

axs_params = [
    ['shared'] * 3,
    ['shared'] * 3,
    ['diff'] * 3,

Settings for added utility:

data_field = 'added_utility'

vmin_scenarios, vmax_scenarios = find_vlims_scenarios(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts)
vmin_diff, vmax_diff = find_vlims_diff(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts)

params_added_utility = {
    'shared': {
        'vmin': vmin_scenarios,
        'vmax': vmax_scenarios,
        'cmap': 'inferno',
        'cbar_label': 'Added utility'
    'diff': {
        'vmin': vmin_diff,
        'vmax': vmax_diff,
        'cmap': 'bwr_r',
        'cbar_label': 'Advantage of Mothership (added utility)'

axs_cols_added_utility = [
    # First row:
    # Second row:
    # Third row:
    savename=os.path.join(dir_output, f'{data_field}_nine_in_one.jpg')

Settings for mRS shift:

data_field = 'mrs_shift'

vmin_scenarios, vmax_scenarios = find_vlims_scenarios(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts)
vmin_diff, vmax_diff = find_vlims_diff(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts)

params_mrs_shift = {
    'shared': {
        'vmin': vmin_scenarios,
        'vmax': vmax_scenarios,
        'cmap': 'inferno_r',
        'cbar_label': 'Mean mRS shift'
    'diff': {
        'vmin': vmin_diff,
        'vmax': vmax_diff,
        'cmap': 'bwr',
        'cbar_label': 'Advantage of Mothership (mean mRS shift)'

axs_cols_mrs_shift = [
    # First row:
    # Second row:
    # Third row:
    savename=os.path.join(dir_output, f'{data_field}_nine_in_one.jpg')

Settings for proportion with mRS less than or equal to 2:

data_field = 'added_mrs_less_equal_2'

vmin_scenarios, vmax_scenarios = find_vlims_scenarios(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts)
vmin_diff, vmax_diff = find_vlims_diff(lsoa_data_gdf, data_field, cohorts)

params_added_mrs_less_equal_2 = {
    'shared': {
        'vmin': vmin_scenarios,
        'vmax': vmax_scenarios,
        'cmap': 'inferno',
        'cbar_label': r'Added mRS$\leq$2'
    'diff': {
        'vmin': vmin_diff,
        'vmax': vmax_diff,
        'cmap': 'bwr_r',
        'cbar_label': r'Advantage of Mothership (added mRS$\leq$2)'

axs_cols_added_mrs_less_equal_2 = [
    # First row:
    # Second row:
    # Third row:
    savename=os.path.join(dir_output, f'{data_field}_nine_in_one.jpg')


The maps show similar results for the three outcome types: added utility, mean shift in mRS, and proportion with mRS score of 2 or less.

The advantage of mothership is worse for nLVO patients (the map is mostly red), better for LVO patients (the map is mostly blue), and generally slightly better overall for this mix of treated ischaemic patients.

Some parts of the combined treated ischaemic maps break the trend and have worse outcomes with mothership (drawn in red). The easiest to spot on this map is half-way up the west coast of Wales near Aberystwyth. The following notebook digs into these outlier areas more to see why they break the trend.