Ensemble Models#

This section describes experiments using ensemble models that combine the probability outputs from logistic regression, random forests, and neural net models, and use those either as the sole inputs for a new model, or alongside the normal features in the training and test set.

This section contains the following notebooks (all experiments are performed with a single training/test split):

  • Ensemble model fitting - generate probabilities: Generates the prediction probabilities from logistic regression, random forests, and a neural network.

  • Comparison of model outputs Compares the outputs of three types of model.

  • Ensemble combine with logistic regression: combine output from logistic regression, random forests, and neural network models in a single logistic regression model, with or without original data features.

  • Ensemble combine with random forests: combine output from logistic regression, random forests, and neural network models in a single random forests model, with or without original data features.

  • Ensemble combine with neural network: combine output from logistic regression, random forests, and neural network models in a single neural network model, with or without original data features.

  • Summary of results from ensemble models: summary of ensemble model accuracies.